Chapter 35

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"So, that guy you're living with, what did you say his name was...Luke, Lucan?" Grandpa asked as we all sat down together having lunch.

"Lucas" I corrected him.

"Oh yes. He's the one you said own this suite?" He asked.

"Yes, he owns the apartment complex" I told him.

"Hmm... Impressive. So he's like a business connoisseur or something?" Uncle Marten asked me.

"You could say that. He owns quite a few business establishments; restaurants, apartment complexes etc" I told him.

"Quite an accomplished young man" grandma nodded.

"The bigger question is though, what is his relationship to you?" Grandpa asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing" Grandma joined in. "Are you two involved, his he your boyfriend?"

"What!? No! Of course not!" I quickly replied almost choking on the piece of chicken I was chewing. "I told you he's just a friend"

"That's not quite convincing Amy. You live with the guy, in his apartment? While your mom also has an apartment here and he willingly offered us his penthouse suite to stay in and isn't accepting any payments?" Uncle Marten asked.

"Not to mentioned he's young..." Selena joined in.


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"And super cute and hot" Sanya announced causing the others to look at her in surprise.
"What? I happened to saw him this morning when he was leaving. He is good looking"

 He is good looking"

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"Trust me guys, Lucas and I are in no way involved. We are just friends" I tried convincing them.

Although that was a lie. I wouldn't consider Lucas's and I relationship one of a friendship. I was more likely a girl whose ass he happened to save more than once and got stuck with because of my knowledge of things he's involved in.

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