Bonus Chapter

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So, I see a lot of you guys took my earlier update which says I won't be continuing the story really serious. Pffft! As if....Of course I'm not serious. Do you really think I'd let something so stupid cause me to stop writing?  Hell no! I love writing, and I would never leave you guys like that- please show me a little more trust or have a bit more faith in me than that. Not even Trump can break my 'vibes' even though I am greatly disappointed about the results. Sorry for putting you through that emotional stress though 😂😂😂 So here you go sweethearts, enjoy this bonus chapter update, I still love y'all.

Lexi's POV

"I've been wanting to come over here since last weekend, but I just got so busy I didn't get the time to come stop by" I said as I sat on one if the couches opposite to where mom and dad was sitting.

"We know, as soon as everyone gets old enough gets married and move out, their suddenly too busy to visit anymore right?" Dad replied though I know he was joking.

"Alphonso stop" mom nudge him with her elbow. "Sweetie, I understand"

"Its not like that Dad. And don't act like I haven't came over any at all since Gio and I got married" I said to them. "Speaking of which, Gio said to say hello. He was supposed to come with me but duty calls"

"Sure he did but he's a busy man" Dad commented.

"Anyway, I wanted to show you guys something" I said as I stretch an envelope to them.

"What's this?" Mom asked as she started to open it and removing the card and picture.

"He's hardly visible as yet but...surprise" I announced smiling widely.

"Oh my God, sweetie" mom said jumping up with excitement and coming over to hug me.

"The best parents get promoted to grandparents" Dad read aloud after picking up the card mom had dropped in his lap and also looking at the picture.

"Sweetie, I'm so happy for you. There's going to be a little one here soon" mom said squeezing me tight again.

"Wow, congrats piccolo" Dad said as he got up and came over to hug me as well. "Dominic is wasting time man. I never thought you'd be the first to turn me into a nonno"
(Granpa-Nonno and Little one-Piccolo)

 I never thought you'd be the first to turn me into a nonno"(Granpa-Nonno and Little one-Piccolo)

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"I never thought so either" I laughed as I hugged him as well

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"I never thought so either" I laughed as I hugged him as well.

"So earlier you said he, isn't it a bit too early to tell?" Dad asked after pulling back.

"Yeah I know. Its still early but Gio insist that its gonna be a boy so we're just referring to the baby as he until the gender can be revealed" I said to him.

"You must be so happy and excited" mom smiled.

"I'm super excited and happy but I'm also scared out of my mind. If anything should happen..."

"Nothing isn't going to happen" Dad said cutting me off. "I'll do everything in my power to see to that"

"Aww, thanks Dad. You're the best" I smiled. "You guys are going to be the best grandparents ever"

"We know" mom said smugly. "So have you told Dominic yet?"

"No actually, I wanted to let you guys be the first persons to know  after Gio, but i'm also planning on stopping by him later and break the surprise to him and Kathleen" I replied "Hopefully he doesn't refer to my baby as Satan's child again"

"You know Dominic. He'll always be that way" mom said shaking her head.

"I know he still hates Gio's guts. I also want to tell Emilia, but I haven't gotten the chance to as yet so she's next" I told them. "Hopefully this baby gonna be the tension breaker for thus long term rivalry though"

"So I've talked to Emilia today" I said to Gio as I came out of the shower and was dressing for bed.

"You did huh?" Gio said raising a brow as he looked up from the laptop he was on. "So...?"

"So, I told her the news of becoming an aunt. Like everyone else she was overjoyed to hear the news" I said to him. "Though Dominic had to bring out his sarcasm along the way of congratulating me. But would you guess what I've learnt?"

"What did you learn?" Gio asked back

"Well actually, I've known this a long time but I was just reminded of it" I said to him folding my arms under my chest.

"Alright. That stance, can't be good" Gio said giving me his full attention.

"I've been reminded how much of an asshole you can be at times. Not only from Dominic but from Em and Marc" I said frowning. "I can't believe that you freaking visit the guy and punch him!"

"Should've done a whole lot more than just punching him. Should have put a bullet through his brain" Gio responded as he shut down the laptop and putting it on the bedside table.

"You can be such an ass at times" I said throwing a towel at him. "Why the hell would you do that? You know the only reason Marc probably didn't fight back is because of Em. If he wasn't into her this would have caused a huge war"

"I had every right to punch him and more. Who does he think he is, fooling around with my sorellina?" Gio asked.

(Sorellina=Baby sister- I think)

"She's not your baby sister anymore Gio. She's a woman now, she's and adult and she is free to date whoever she wants
..." I said as I climbed on my side of the bed "...and that includes Marc"

"The guy is a damn pedophile" Gio commented.

"What? Seriously Gio, how the hell do you...." I paused letting out a humourless laugh "You are unbelievable. How the hell is he a pedophile? Explain to me"

"He is far older than her, by years. She's a kid"

"Well in that case that doesn't make you any different from him then" I said turning my back to him "Goodnight Mr.Impossible"

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