Bonus Chapter

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Lexi's POV

"I was just so mad and stormed out. If I had stayed God knows what I'd do considering the rage I was in" Emilia said to me "Ugh! He is such a moron"

"Come on Em, it was your first real fight with Marc. Guys can be a little bit insensitive at times you have to understand that" I said to her "Gio and I went through a lot of those, pretty soon he'll be calling to apologize"

"He was already calling after I left but I've been ignoring his calls, I just can't deal with him right now I'm still mad" Emilia frowned crossing her arms under her chest.

"You guys will get over it soon enough and work things out. That's just how relationship works, there is going to be many more disagreements to come but you'll managed to work things out" I said to her "You just need to calm down for now and tomorrow you talk about it"

Emilia was staying over tonight with Gio and I, she and Marc had their first real couple's fight today and she was fuming. It was just a simple little disagreement they had that somewhat blew out of proportion but I know they'll sort it out and get over the argument in no time. Gio and I have had our fair share of fights and disagreements, some much more intense than what happened between Marc and Em. We were currently sitting on the couch with the TV on although not really watching what was on, when Gio came home.

"Hey baby. Em" Gio greeted.

"Hey" Emilia replied.

"Hi babe, your home early" I smiled as I stood up to greet him.

"Yeah" Gio smiled as he rest both hands on the side of my belly and kissing me on the lips as he rubbed my belly "How are my two babies doing?"

"Your babies are both doing well" I smiled at him "We're both great"

I had my hand holding on to the lapels of his jacket and that's when I noticed he had tiny specks of blood on his shirt.

"What happened? Did something go wrong today? Are you alright?" I asked pushing away the jacket to inspect him properly.

"Relax Amore, I'm alright" Gio assured me as he looked down at the blood speck on his shirt "Its not mine"

"What happened then?" Emilia was the one to ask now.

"Its somewhat of a long story. But it belonged to Seagal" Gio said to me.

"Do you mean Marvin Seagal?" I asked curiously "What happened with him now?"

"Well he kidnapped Amy, stupidly brought her back to his place, slapped her around a bit and apparently tried to rape her..."

"Oh my God, is she alright? Is the baby alright?" I asked concerned for the girl "She must've been so traumatized, what happened then?"

"Don't worry, Lucas took her to a doctor, she's fine now and the baby is still alive and well" Gio replied. "And she was traumatized when we got there, but not as traumatized as she'd be if she ever learn the truth. Apparently when he tried to pinned her down and ripped off her clothes she managed to smashed a lamp over his head causing him to fall off her not getting the chance to continue what he started. But she didn't just hit him once, its like something else had been unleashed within her, she repeatedly beat him over the head with a standing lamp. The guy was already dead when I tried to feel for a pulse or any sign of breathing"

"She beat him to death?" Emilia asked "That can't have been pleasant for her even though it was self defense"

"I told her he was just unconscious at the time and that we'll get him the help he needs" Gio responded "I don't think she would be able to deal with the guilt of knowing she killed someone for the first time, especially when she was that traumatized. I got a cleanup crew to come take care of things"

"What happened if she saw on the news or something about his disappearance isn't she going to be suspicious? He was a business man after all wasn't he?" Emilia asked.

"She knows what we're capable of, we'll let her have the impression that we were the ones who took care of him" Gio responded "He kidnapped her in brought daylight at the doctor's place so that's what I'm afraid of that someone may have seen him with her but we're getting rid of all security footages that shows any interaction between them today... Any other eyewitness that may turn up if an investigation starts, we'll know and deal with it"

"So how did Lucas found out? How did he take the news... How did you guys know she was in trouble in the first place?" I asked question after question curiously.

"We were having lunch to discuss some business and the waitress messed up his order causing him to snap at her. In fact he's been snapping at everyone lately so I figured it had something to do with Amy. At the same time his phone rang and it was her but the minute he answered the phone hung up. He told me about her telling him she wanted her freedom and was going to Barbados. She was in fact planning to run away without telling him, he thought that she was probably boarding the plane at that moment when she had called. I convinced him to call her back but after few tries her phone was unreachable. I just know I had to tell him the truth, I'd want to know if it were you"

"So how did he react? Wasn't he shocked?" I asked.

"He was shocked alright but the minute I told him he dashed out of the restaurant. I was hot on his heels as well as he started tracking her with his phone. He no longer intended to allow her the freedom he promised until things were explained to him by her" Gio told me "But it was when he tracked her and noticed that the direction she was moving in wasn't actually a airport route, she didn't seem to be on a plane and that's when we got suspicious".

"The tracker... Does she..."

"Of course not, she has no idea about it and that's a good thing. Its the necklace he gave her, if she knew it held a tracker she'd never kept it on and we'd never be able to find her as quick as we did" Gio replied.

"I'm just so happy she and the baby are alright. Seagal was a sick pervert, he should rot in hell" I said to him "Let's just hope that Lucas now is ready to be a father and won't cause her to be further stressed and freaked out. She's been through a lot"

So there guys you got to see a little of what happened after Gio told Lucas about Amy's pregnancy at the restaurant. You got to see the truth about what happened to Seagal. Stay tuned for the long awaited discussion between Amy and Lucas about her being pregnant.

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