Chapter 17

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Lucas's POV

"I think there may be some complications with Amy now after all" Jay announced as we were having a little meeting.

"What's new?" Gio asked him.

"She's dating this guy Matthew" Jay said to us. "She's even staying overnight with him at his apartment at times"

"So? Wasn't she allowed to date anymore?" Carter asked.

"What have you found out about this guy?" I asked him leaning my head on hand.

"What have you found out about this guy?" I asked him leaning my head on hand

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"Well that's the part I was getting to. He's a dealer for a Matchbox clan" Jay informed.

"What the hell is that?" I asked. The name sounds like something from a child's book or cartoon.

"Its some backstreet gang that deals with small scale drugs; mostly heroin and ecstasy"

"So do you think she's back on drugs then" Gio asked.

"I didn't think so before she always seems drug free, but then this morning she seemed a bit drug worn leaving his apartment" Jay replied.

"Drug worn? I asked even though I think I pretty much knows what he meant.

"Like she's facing the after effects of a drug wearing off" Jay confirmed.

"I warned her about getting involved again before she left my car that day" Carter responded. "I told her what you had said"

"Its been a few months since, she has most likely forgotten about the warning and figure she has the perfect opportunity to start doing drugs again" Gio responded rubbing a hand over his chin as if he's getting an idea. "What better way to get your daily fix than to date the guy who can gets it for free".

" I should've known that letting her go and a simple warning wouldn't be enough to keep her away from those stuff" I said shaking my head.

" I should've known that letting her go and a simple warning wouldn't be enough to keep her away from those stuff" I said shaking my head

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"Just make sure she doesn't get too addicted and starts blabbing" Gio responded.

Amy's POV

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