Chapter 25

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I had came up with the conclusion over the last few day, if I wanted to get my way I would definitely have to try and be on Lucas's good side. The last time I was allowed to leave this place was last week when Lexi had somehow got him to allow me out with her. I was getting a bit bored and quite agitated with having to stay inside this place everyday and not much to do. At times I'd help Greta in the kitchen or with whatever else it is she has to do but that wasn't much and most of the time she wouldn't allow me to do anything.

Since I had been staying here at Lucas's place for however long and him basically controlling my life, it made me curious. I didn't know much about Lucas except that he was a under boss to a mafia boss and also a business man. I finally decided to try get some additional information on him the only way I could- googling his name. I was greeted with quite a an amount of information.
Lucas Johnathon Ackles was a twenty seven years old business man, who owns a few business establishments if his own and also partnered with and help run other businesses with his boss Giovanni Cavelli.

I had learned that Lucas was in charge of some apartment complex resorts, restaurants and hotels and a crazy idea had popped into my head.  I wasn't sure it was going to work out but I at least needed to try. I had a preposition for Lucas and I'm really hoping he'd consider it. I've been wanting to talk to him for days now and luckily today Lucas was surprisingly home and in what I now found out was his office. I had been here for a while and never knew that he had an at home office. Nervously and unsure I walked to the office door that was slightly ajar and sighing quietly I placed a few knocks on the door.

"Come in" I heard Lucas serious voice replied.

Letting out a breath I was holding, I pushed the door opened and stepped inside. Lucas was there lounging in the chair in front a desk staring at some papers in his hand. Wringing my hands together nervously I stepped closer to him, Lucas looked up at me curiously before pointing to one if the chairs that was off at the side. I didn't wait for him to do it twice, I simple went over and sat in one of the chairs facing him.

"So?" Lucas asked looking at me as he place the papers back on the table. "What is it you want?"

"I uhm... I wanted to speak with you about something... I wanted to ask you something" I said pausing.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Lucas urged me on. "Although you do know that if you're planning to ask me to let you go, the answer is no"

"No. It's not that" I said to him afraid to look him fully in the eyes. "Its sort of like a preposition"

"What kind of preposition could you possible have for me?" Lucas asked raising a brow.

"Well... I happened to found out that you have running in a lot of business. You even own this apartment complex. Am I right?" I started off.

"Quite the research you've done Amy" Lucas
replied amused. "Well done"

"Yeah well... I...I wanted to ask you... I know you don't intend to let me out of your sight again but... I was actually wondering if you..." I stopped biting my bottom lip unsure.

"Will you just say what you have to say already. I don't have all day" Lucas said obviously annoyed with my current behavior.

"I was wondering if you'd offer me a job?" I finally got to the point.

"What?" Lucas asked surprise.

"I think its a good idea, I mean you obviously don't trust me going out and working somewhere else and I'm here everyday doing nothing... I just feel... I feel useless being cooped up in here without anything to do" I tried reasoning with him. "I have needs, I even want to help pay for my mom's heart procedure but I can't if I'm solely locked up here. If I need anything I can't afford to get it because I don't have any money or a job and I'm not going to ask you so I'm asking you for a job now please...that way I'll be working right under your nose and you'd be aware of everything I'm doing. You can even assigned someone to keep an eye on me if it'll make you feel better because I know you used to"

"Who says that?" Lucas asked raising a brow at me.

"No one. Nobody had to tell me anything, I just figured it out. How else would you know I'll be at Matthew's place that night? How would you know I was in trouble?" I asked him. "Lucas, please just think about it before you shoot me down. I really need a job"

"Okay, let's say I'm offering you a job what skills do you have to loan to any of the business?" Lucas asked propping his feet up on the table.

"Well I've worked in as bar before so I know a bit of how to go about things there, and I've also did a little waitressing" I said to him.

I noticed he was waiting for me to continue so I did, mentioning the only other skills I know I've got.

"I'm good with people and interacting with them. And I've took seven years of gymnastics, and as you already know I can dance"

"So you want to be one of the entertainers at one of the clubs" Lucas said.

"Not really, I'd prefer working in a bar or restaurant but..."

"I'll think about it" Lucas replied.

"What? You will?" I asked surprise.

"I just said so didn't I?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah but I... Thank you" I said to him.

"Don't thank me yet" Lucas said turning back to the papers he had discarded earlier.

"Oh... Okay" I said getting up. "I guess I should go now"

"Yeah you should" Lucas replied paying attention to his papers.

Short chapter but figure I'd give you guys a little something nonetheless.

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