Chapter 14

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Amy's POV

1month later

"Hey b-baby girl get m-me a...a em... G-get me more a them... them vod-vodka whiskey thingy" Winston a regular at this bar slurred drunkenly.

"Winston you're drunk off your ass. It's time to cut you off now" I said to him. "I'm gonna call you a cab, its time to go home".

"No baby girl, that's the vely...very last place wannabe... Just need a drink, please just o-one more and I go...I'll be out of you-r hair" he slurred once again.

"No, I think you've had enough drink for tonight l I said as I pulled out my phone from my shorts pocket. "I'm calling you a taxi"

After calling a cab for Winston I turned to him. Telling him not to move until it gets here. He sat there rambling about how I wasn't his baby girl anymore if I didn't give him another drink. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics until the cab came. There was no way I was giving an already drunk man more alcohol.
After Katie and I switched places and I went to serve a few more customers for about half an hour, we switched roles again as I took over as the bar tender and she the waitress once again.
A guy came up to the counter and sat on the stool, I was drying a glass at the time when he spoke up.

"Can I have a beer please"the guy said to me.

"Sorry about that" I said as I put down the glass and towel and turn to him. "Sure thing. Hot or cold?"

"Cold" he responded.

"Coming right up" I said as I reached for the beer and place it on the counter in front of him and got the opener. "Here you go"

"Thanks" the guy replied pushing a wad of cash towards me.

"Its just $3 this is a bit too much" I said pushing back the rest to him.

"Its a tip, keep it" the guy smile at me.

"Uh I don't know, that's a bit too much to take" I said to him.

"That's nonsense, a tip can never be too much" he smiled at me. "I'm not taking it back so you better keep it"

"You're feeling quite cashy tonight huh?" I joked.

"Yeah as always" he chuckled. "I'm always feeling cashy"

"Oh yeah?" I laughed. "Well I'm sorry, my bad assuming, you're only feeling that way tonight".

 "Well I'm sorry, my bad assuming, you're only feeling that way tonight"

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"I love your laugh" the guy said to me. "It's refreshing"

"Uh thanks" I said looking down with a smile suddenly feeling shy from the look he was giving me.

"Uh thanks" I said looking down with a smile suddenly feeling shy from the look he was giving me

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