Chapter 36

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If I didn't know what scared was before in my lif, I certainly knew the minute Lucas told me to get my things. My heart felt as if it was about to leap out of my chest. I didn't know what was up with Lucas but I was sure that he was probably on a mission to kill us both. I had to grip the sides of the car seat with both hands, as Lucas was speeding at an alarming pace.

If I wasn't experiencing it for myself at the moment,  I would have told anyone that it was impossible for a car to move that fast. I was convinced that Lucas was crazy because not only was he speeding like a mad man, he was also swerving the car from side to side avoiding other cars. If he didn't slow down soon, I was positive that we were going to die. He was pissed for some reason, but seriously? Was he this pissed that he was willing to kill both of us?

I held onto the seat and kept my eyes tightly closed, hoping to block out what was happening ahead of me but the feeling of the car swinging left to right made it impossible.

"Lucas! Please slow down!" I cried out after finally having enough.

I didn't like this driving at all. My life had just started to get on track in some ways and I wasn't ready to die.

"Now why would I want to do that?" Lucas asked me as he pressed down on the gas pedal causing the car to go a little faster.

"Please! You're going to kill us both! Lucas slow down please!" I cried trying to get him to listen.

"See, why would I listen to you when you ignore almost all of my warnings?" Lucas asked still not slowing down.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have left the apartment I know, but mom and I needed a new hairdo and wanted some new clothes. You were gone, so we ran out for that and then went straight back to the apartment. We didn't even stay out for more than two hours. I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise. Please slow down!" I cried before I started hyperventilating.

Oh my God. Oh my God. I was going to die.

"See you constantly disregard anything I say and my warnings, then you freak out when I react. And to think this isn't the worst thing that can happen when you disobey my orders." Lucas replied.

"Please, I'm sorry. Just please slow down." I begged and whimpered.

I have never been more scared for my life.

"You don't listen to me when I tell you there'll be consequences and now you're freaking out over my driving?" Lucas asked.

"Oh God, I'm gonna be sick." I groaned holding my stomach with one hand and covering my mouth with the other.

"Hey! Hey! Don't hurl inside of here!" Lucas quickly pulled the car over at the side of the road then leaned over and threw my door open.

He had just successfully happen to get the door opened when I leaned outside emptying everything that was inside my stomach. After I was finished, I leaned back in, closing the door as I laid my head against the headrest of the seat. Lucas and his crazy driving had made me sick. I was so dizzy and nauseous out of this world.

"Here," I heard Lucas said as he handed me a napkin to use wipe my mouth.

"Thanks." I mumbled weakly as I took it from him and wiped my mouth.

Lucas had finally cut speed and was now driving at a normal pace. I kept my head laid back on the headrest and my eyes closed for the remainder of the ride. Not only did keeping my eyes closed helped the dizziness and nausea to subside  but it also prevented the tears which were threatening to fall, from pouring out.

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