Chapter 16

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"Did you served all those drinks already?" Katie asked once I came back to the bar counter with the empty tray.

"Yeah, I just went over to that table" I pointed in the direction of the table a few steps away from the bar. "The guys were anxious to get their drinks".

"Oh, because I was thinking that's really quick" she said before going to make a drink for a guy.

"Hey! Blondie. Move faster! Am I gonna be getting some attention over here anytime now or what?" Another guy at the opposite end of the bar shouted at her.

"Are you blind or something!! Can't you see that I'm dealing with another customer at the moment!? If you can't wait then you can go the hell to somewhere else then" Katie snapped back at him.

"Seems like you're gonna be needing some help behind that bar" I said as I made my way over and decided to serve Mr.Rude Guy.

"What can I get you?"

"Give me a beer" he said still as rude. "And make it snappy"

"Coming right up" I said rolling my eyes as I went to get his beer. "There you go".

"Whatever. Its about time one of you do your damn job right" the guy dismissed throwing the cash on the counter before walking off.

"His freaking head must be too big for his body" I muttered as he was gone.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish" Katie responded. "So damn rude"

"I know right. I hope he chokes on it" I said to her.

"I'll take a flask of cute bartender with a shot of hotness added" Matthew said as he came up to the bar sitting on a stool.

"Oh? I'm sorry sir but I think we just ran out of hotness" I giggled at him.

"Seriously? Oh man" Matthew said feigning disappointed. "I guess I'll just have the bartender then"

"Okay, which flavor bartender do you want? Blonde or dark haired one?" I asked playing along.

"Let's see, I don't think my body deals well with the blonde flavors so I guess you can just recommend the best one for me" Matthew smirked.

"Oh my God. You two are sick" Katie groaned shaking her head at our antics.

"Okay then. One cute dark hair bartender coming up" I chuckled before leaning over the counter to kiss him.

 One cute dark hair bartender coming up" I chuckled before leaning over the counter to kiss him

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"Hey no fraternizing or showing of PDA with the customers" Katie said once I pulled back. "Rule number one"

"I don't think that rule still applies if the customer is my boyfriend" I chuckled.

"Good point, I'll have to recheck the rulebook on that one" Katie chuckled before turning to Matthew. "Hey Mattie what's up?"

"Katie hun... I'm good and even better now that I got to see my girl. What are you up to?" Matthew asked.

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