Chapter 20

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Amy's POV

"He is such a perv, and I've had enough of him so I dumped the tray on his head" Nora fumed. "That old bastard".

"Omg Nora you didn't" I said in disbelief.

"I so did, it was the first time that he has been there and tried groping me like that, well this morning I've had enough of him" she continued. " I mean not because I had worked at a strip club before meant that I'm going to deal well with old coots grabbing me inappropriately".

"Nora did you at least explain to your boss what happened why you did what you did?" I asked her.

"Well I tried but Mrs. Seyfried was so upset by my actions she didn't even allow me to talk and explain my part. It was like that old bastard's money had her not caring one bit for her staff" Nora frowned. "Well I don't really care, you know what screw her. I'll find another job"

"Its really unfair though. In this society if you don't have money your rights or opinion matters not" I sighed shaking my head.

I was home when Nora called asking if Katie and I were home. Well I told her I was home but Katie had gone out today with this new guy that asked her out. So Nora had came over and started telling me about how shitty her day has been-she had gotten fired. Some old pervert had decided to try groping her butt, so she had lost it and throw the tray she was carrying with the food in his face. And as usual justice never prevails with us 'lower class' citizens. Its like because we may not have enough money or maybe working some form of job that society labelled as 'low class'  we can never get right or fair treatment yet. I just hope that Nora would be able to find another job soon.

"Life just sucks at times" Nora mumbled as she take the last drink from her juice.

"Tell me about it" I sighed agreeing with her.

At times I'd wish things were better off for me. Like maybe if mom hadn't fell I'll and could continued working and if she had never met my stepfather, things probably could've been a whole lot different and better for us.

"What do you want to do tonight since it is our night off?" Katie asked between a mouthful of chips as she lounge on the couch beside me.

"I don't know, I'm quite alright right here like this" I replied as I stuffed my face with chips as well.

"What? No Amy. Its our night off, don't tell me you want to just lounge about at home?" Katie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I mean. Isn't the whole point of a night off to relax and lounge around at home, watch a movie or two?" I asked her. "After working all week almost 24 hours I think night off means, we get to stay home and relax, not enter back into the same bar or club scene"

"But who said we'd have to enter back into the club or bar scene?" Katie asked.

"Well what else would you have in mind then huh? Knowing you it would probably be something along those line" I told her daring her to try convince me other wise.

"You're probably right now but doesn't mean all nights off should be spent boring at home. We should live a little" Katie replied.

"Yeah well when I start making banks, then I'll be  able to live more than a little. I'll be living it..." I started saying but was cut off by my phone ringing.

Looking at the Caller's ID I froze not knowing what to do.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Katie asked looking at the phone then me.

" I can't" I said shaking my head.

"Is it Matt?" Katie asked.

"Yeah" I nodded as the phone stopped "I can't talk to him, I just wish he'd get the message"

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