Bonus Chapters

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Lexi's POV

"How was lunch with Amy today?" Gio asked me as he sat up on the bed flipping through the channels on the big screen TV in our room.

"It was quite interesting, like extremely interesting" I said to him before curling beside him.

"Really? How so? Why was it that interesting?" Gio asked turning to look at me hearing the tone in my voice.

"We had quite a nice lunch, she's a sweet girl like I already suspected. But we had quite an interesting conversation, it was mostly about my pregnancy and experience. She was really interested in hearing about my personal experiences" I said to him.

"Why, is she interested in having a baby too?" She chuckled "I'm sure Lucas would just love that"

"That's the thing babe, while we were talking I got the vibes that she wasn't interested in being a mother. She even said so herself but after a while of talking I realized that she seemed somewhat scared" I said to him "I don't know for sure but I don't think that I'm wrong, based on some of the things she asked and her expression and body language- I think she may already be pregnant"

"What? Are you sure?" Gio asked surprised "Maybe she was just so engrossed by your experience that she give off a certain vibes"

"No Gio, I'm positive. The girl is pregnant. I just know that, she reminded me of myself when I just found out that I was pregnant-the first time" I said to him "It think she just found out and she's scared, she doesn't know what to do that's why she called me probably to hear what its like being pregnant... I tried giving
her the best advice I could in a discreet way in case she decides to do something stupid"

"Lucas doesn't know about it" Gio said in realization "He said she's been acting strange lately
but he thinks its because of her encounter at the club with Seagal but its probably because you're right, she is pregnant"

"It's most likely Lucas's" I said to him "Of course she's scared, they aren't exactly in a relationship and we all know Lucas with his issues and how uptight he can be, she doesn't know how to tell him"

"Lexi, why didn't you at least try to ask her or something so it could be confirmed?" Gio asked.

"I tried asking her in a discreet way, I asked her if she doesn't want kids. She gave me a vague answer saying she doesn't know, that she isn't fit to be a mother. I didn't want to push her or anything though in case I scare her off further" I said to him "She obviously doesn't want anyone to know yet. She's obviously having a mental battle on herself on what decision to make"

"If she's pregnant she needs to be more monitored daily to stop her from making a stupid decision" Gio replied. "Lucas already have her tracked daily but if he isn't aware of this and she does something out of the way, he isn't going to take it well"

"Gio you can't say anything to Lucas just yet. You have to give Amy the time, let her be the one to tell him when she's ready" I said to him.

"What if she's never ready? What if she does something stupid like get rid of it,  you think Lucas is going to be please with that?"

"That's her decision to make. Whatever she decides that's her business. Let her be the one to break such news to him okay?" I replied "Gio, Lucas is not only your underboss he's also your friend but... how does Lucas feel about being a father?"

"Truth to be told Lucas usually doesn't like having anyone who becomes his weakness. As you noticed Lucas has commitment issues, its because he's afraid of loosing the people he loves and cares about" Gio replied "A baby? I don't know but I believe he's just like me, as much as he may be afraid of getting close to o and commit he'll kill to protect those he care about and I know the same goes if he has a kid"

"The big question is though, is he ready to be a dad?"

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