Chapter 18

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Today was my day off so I had decided to go spend the day with my mom. I wasn't in the mood to spend my time with my mom in a nursing home today so I asked her doctor if she was allowed to go out, to which she gave me the go ahead. As long as we didn't have her exert herself too much or do anything that could be straining to the hurt I could take her out.

I just wanted to have fun with mom today after all these years of not being able to do much together, so at first we went to a game arcade which was actually more fun than I thought it would be. The fact that mom kicked my butt at almost every single game, no matter how simple it was had me in surprise. I had told her that the next time we hang out she would definitely have to teach me how to be a pro like her. Afterwards we went to the park and got ice cream. I wasn't sure if mom was allowed to eat ice cream with her condition but she reassured me that she could and that she had a heart issue and not diabetes. Leave it to my mom to be witty like that.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" Mom asked me out of the blue.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked looking at her confused.

"I may have been deprived of spending the last 6years with you but I've known you all your life and I know when something is up with you" mom replied looking directly at me.

I just had to admire how beautiful she was. I could only imagine what she was like when she was younger or even my age. She must've broken a lot of hearts back then. Especially for those guys who had no chance whatsoever with her. Speaking of guys and my mom, for the first time in years I wondered what was it like when my mom met my father.

See, I had no idea who my father was. I grew up with just my mom until she got married to my stepfather who turned out to be a selfish ass years after. You know how most kids would asked about their father and such? I was never one of those kids. My mom never talked about my father and I had never once asked I just knew my mom was a teenage mom. Mom had me when she was eighteen years old, even in regards to other family members I had no idea about them. I only knew my mom as the only family member, I didn't know if she had other family or relatives alive and I never asked. Mom was always the best mom she could be, she gave me everything and all her love I never once felt like I was missing anything or anyone growing up. I never inquired about her family or my Dad before, because growing up I never wanted to make her feel awkward about having to answer my questions. Even when I had noticed the differences between the two of us eyes, I never question it. Mom had brown eyes and I had sky blue eyes, I only assumed that whoever my father was, he had blue eyes too or maybe someone from her family. Mom and I had similar features and characteristics but one major difference was our eyes. I was always curious about things but never wanted to asked but today was just one of those days where I wanted to know everything.

"Mom can I ask you something?" I sighed looking at her.

"Of course Amy, you know you can talk to me about anything" mom replied taking one of my hand in hers.

"I don't want you to feel awkward or guilty or anything. I just need to know the truth, I think I deserve to know after 22years now" I said to her. "Mom, what was my father like?"

The looks on my mom's face was shock, surprise, confused everything. It was like she was frozen at the moment and it made me feel guilty at the moment. If she never talked about it before it was probably because she wanted to forget, maybe it was an extremely bad or traumatic experience and I had just reminded her of it.

"You know... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Can we just forget it?" I quickly announced.

"No, no. Its okay, you deserve to know" mom finally replied. "It was selfish of me never to have told you about him before. I was always worried about the moment that you'd asked this question growing up as a kid, buy I was quite surprised that you never did. I haven't thought about how hard it may have been for you not knowing anything".

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