Bonus Chapter

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"Em I am not getting involved with you telling Gio about you and Marc's advanced relationship" I said as I used my shoulders to hold the phone to my ears as I got out the car "I've been on Gio's bad side way too much recently and he's gonna snap one of these days, I just rather it not be at a time where it has to do with you and Marc's relationship".

"Lexi come on, you're his wife, if there's anyone who can get through to him about this its you" Emilia replied on the other end. "I'm sure he won't be too mad at you and besides you can convinced him about how much Marc is a great know he's your friend. You know him years"

"Yeah maybe so, but I don't think this is my story to tell. And if I'm there when you're telling him he's going to think I knew all along and kept it a secret from him- which I am and I hate it, I hate lying to him about you Em" I replied as I walked to the front door. "You're putting me in a really bad situation here you know"

"I know but... Gio can be a bit hard headed sometimes-you know that. And the fact that I'm his little sister, he still thinks of me as a baby" Emilia sighed. "Lexi, how do I tell him that Marc and I are seriously involved without him blowing up at me or attacking Marc or even worst shipping me back to Italy. The first thing he's going to look at his the age gap and then the fact that there's still this whole rivalry going on... Lexi its best I don't tell him if you're not going help me"

"Emilia, you have to tell him. He's coming back this weekend and you're going to tell him and get it over with" I said as I opened the door. "The least I can do is mention it to him while he's away and then you be prepared to broach the subject when he gets back"

"Then he'll be extremely heated and angry before and won't give me a chance to reason with him" Em groaned.

"Em, its that or nothing. He's your brother and if you are scared to be honest with then I don't know what to tell you because I..." I stopped talking as I heard some sounds inside the house. "Listen, I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow"

"Is everything alright?" Emilia asked sensing the change in my voice.

"I'm not sure but I'll have to check" I said before hanging up and pulling my gun from my waistband.

So I was just coming back home from my parents and Gio was still not supposed to be home until this weekend so I was supposed to be home alone. However, that sound I just heard meant someone was here as well and the fact that I hadn't realized before now but the alarm system was off  which caused for concern.  Slipping off my heels quietly, I walked further into the house in the direction of the noise with my gun raised ready to shoot any trespasser.
A few more steps and the perpetrator made his presence visible.

"Hey, whoa do not shoot that thing" the person said holding his hands up in surrender. "I've been shot way too many times"

"Gio!" I said in surprised and excitement as I ran to him jumping on him with my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Oh! Hey there maybe we should put this away... I don't like the fact that its situated in your hand right behind my head" Gio said as he reached his hand around and taking the gun from me before tucking it in his waistband.

"Sorry" I smiled sheepishly. "I got excited"

"I can see that" Gio grinned before placing a kiss on my lips " Ciao Bella"

"What are you doing here... I never expect you back until weekend I thought you were a burglar or something" I said to him.

"A burglar?" Gio chuckled raising a brow. "I doubt anyone would be this stupid... I managed to finished finalizing deal back in Italy and decided to surprise you"

"Well I am beyond surprised but I almost killed you... Don't you ever sneak up on me like that in a dark house again" I said as I hugged him tighter.

"Okay don't choke me to dead tigrotto" Gio chuckled as he carried me still wrap around him like a baby in the direction of the kitchen.

"Sorry babe" I murmured as I kissed his cheek and resting my head on his shoulder as he carried me.

Truth is I've really missed him and him holding and carrying me like this was one of the best feeling ever right now. Also my feet were tired so him carrying me was a bonus.
Gio set me on the kitchen counter standing between my legs before kissing me again.

"I've really missed you" I confessed as we pull away.

"And I missed you more that's why I'm back here tonight" Gio said placing a kiss on my nose before turning from me. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah- starving" I smiled as I watched him headed towards the fridge.

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