Bonus chapter

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Lexi's POV
"Are you going to be too busy this weekend?" I asked Gio as he stepped out of the bathroom.  

"I'm always busy" Gio responded throwing the towel he had been drying his hair with on one of the chairs we had in our room at the penthouse.

At times Gio and I would stay at his penthouse suite and other times we'd stay at our original home.

"Must you do that? The towel is wet you're definitely gonna be spoiling those chairs if you keep throwing wet stuff on them" I frowned at him.

"I can buy a million new ones so it doesn't matter" Gio responded.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "About this weekend, are you going to be busy?"

"I don't think I should be any busier than usual" Gio said as he climbed in the bed resting his upper body on the headboard. "Why? Have you got plans for us?"

"As a matter of fact I do" I replied as I turned to face him as I rub the lotion on my arms. "I want to spend the weekend at my home".

"Okay... I guess we can do that, Lexi we're always home on the weekends" Gio replied.

"No, I didn't mean our home I meant my old home" I replied as I walked towards the bed. "Like where I used to live before".

" Wait... Let me get this straight... You want us as in the both of us to spend the entire weekend at your parent's house? " Gio asked raising a brow.

"Yeah, that's what I said" I nodded climbing into the bed beside him. "I think Dominic and Kathleen will be over there too. What do you say?".

"Seriously Cara? No offence but your father and I still don't see eye to eye even now and with your brother there for the whole weekend? Do you see the problem with that?" Gio said turning on his side so to face me.

"Gio dont start, you've been there before, we had dinner there more than once and even your sister still stays there so please don't give me that. If you don't want to come you can just say it"

"I never said I didn't want to come with you. You know I'll go anywhere you're going" Gio said flicking the tip of my nose in loving and playing gesture. "I'm just saying you better prepare to be a referee and mediator all weekend"

"Does that mean you're coming then?" I smiled at him.

"Do I have a choice? You asked Lexi but I know in reality you're just telling me to make sure I'll come" Gio replied.

"Its not all that bad as how you make it sounds" I said reaching over to ruffle his hair. "Guess what? We're going to have a great time together as a family"

"Oh I know. I can just imagine it now" Gio responded sarcastically.

"Come on now babe, don't be like that" I chuckled before leaning over to kiss him.

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