2| New school

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"Your mission will be to travel outside of the palace to a nearby high school. I detect there may be a broken soul there and I need you to go inspect it, do NOT let anyone know what you truly are." Leto explained, looking down at Rory who was watching him intently with every ounce of his attention.

"Okay my lord," Rory replied, standing up, keeping his eyes locked on Leto the entire time, not even blinking or taking them away. "I understand my lord."

"Good... You are dismissed." Leto's emotionless voice boomed as Rory turned, leaving the throne room in silence, a very very small ghost-like smile resting on his lips. He walked down the same long hallway again, the one that seemed to stretch on forever yet to Rory, it felt like just a few seconds.

Eventually he got to a connected hallway, not as long though. He walked down it and in less than a minute he was standing in front of tall, black and gold doors that read 'exit.' He took no time to open it and close it behind him quickly before turning to the half broken world, one that once had been beautiful as he heard. He wasn't alive when the world was once beautiful, he had only heard rumours and stories about it from the older demons that obviously had.

Looking at the world now, everything seemed... Colourless. The trees looked a shade of grey, same with the grass and obviously sidewalks and the roads were grey and the sky was a blood red with darker red clouds. Yep, this was Earth today.

He shook his head gently, the thoughts in his head fading for a short time, they would eventually return but not for a while like they usually did. He opened his wings, spreading his feathers slightly when he felt the gentle wind push gently against him. Then suddenly, he took off gracefully in the air, soaring against the breeze that flowed over top of the city, slipping through the dark red clouds and diving before coming back up like an airplane.


Rory closed his eyes lightly for a moment. Everything seemed to drift past him, even if he would try to think very hard, all his thoughts would vanish, he was made for work, nothing else, he didn't have feelings, he didn't get to have a life to live barely, he was nothing special... He was just a slave just like everyone else.

After a few minutes, he dove to the ground, landing safely and folding his wings. He then reached into the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out a small vial, the contents inside of it was a bright green, sparkly liquid that looked incredibly dangerous, if you were to smell it, it would smell like death itself. He gulped it down quickly, not even hesitating considering the fact how weird and dangerous it looked. The liquid tasted... like nothing. It was tasteless.

Seconds after he swallowed the strange liquid, his wings disappeared. Nobody could see them now, but they were still there. He usually kept vials of the same potion due to sometimes on missions, he had to 'blend in.'

He took a deep breath and rested his hand on the high school doors, for some reason he was... Hesitating? What's wrong with me, he thought. It's just a high school. There's nothing to be scared of, n-not like I ever was scared... He added.

After a moment he stopped hesitating and he threw the door open, he had forgotten about his massive strength and power and when the door collided with the wall, the glass cracked and some loose pieces fell out onto the ground.

Rory quickly scurried inside, heading straight to the office. Well, as best as he could, he was never there before and you don't exactly know where everything is the first time you are there. After that little... 'Door incident' he talked to the principal for a while and got his schedule, apparently Leto had already gotten him into the school.

What, was Rory just a child to Leto now? Rory sighed, he walked around the school trying to figure out where everything was. The bathrooms, classrooms, the pool, cafeteria, ect.

...This is going to be a very long, long day... Rory thought before walking into his classroom.

(Hey guys sorry for a slightly shorter chapter, I haven't gotten much time to work on my chapters but luckily I could update today. If I don't get my updates out on time, forgive me!! I have school, homework, stuff outside of Wattpad too but I'll try my best to be on time with my updates. Once again, thank you all for reading! Bubye!)

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