7| Time Is Ticking

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Rory sat in the bathroom stall, sitting on the cold dusty floor with his legs held up against his chest as he waited for time to pass by. He had existed for so long that if he tried really hard, time would go by like nothing...

One second... Two seconds... Three seconds... He counted, his palms resting on either side of his head, rubbing his temples slightly in concentration.

Three minutes... Four minutes... Five minutes... Seven minutes... Eight... Nine... Rory then stopped. Why couldn't he say ten? Just one word.. It was a short word, easy to say yet he never was able to say it even if he tried.

When he pulled his phone out of his pocket he looked at the time, 2:12PM it read. The time hadn't changed at all, each day was starting to feel like an eternity to pass by and yet when it felt like just a few minutes, it wasn't barely anything at all.

Rory sighed and looked at his screen, three messages from... Hunter? He guessed, considering he didn't have anyone else in this 'messaging' based system. He clicked the home button and his phone went to the main home screen, his background the default one that usually comes with your phone when you first set it up and everything. He clicked on the 'Messages' app, the one you can't delete from your iPhone because it was always stuck there whether you liked it or not, he then read the messages to himself in his head, each one echoing in that same stupid voice of Hunter's.

H: Hey, you ok? Did you end up leaving to go home yet or are you staying?

When his fingers went to push against the screen to type, he couldn't help but pause. Why can't I type anything...? Why do I feel so frozen suddenly...? This is so weird, I have to find that soul and get out of this damn place... Then I won't need to come back! Rory thought, accidentally snapping at himself inside his mind. He took a quiet deep breath and stood up, his fingertips pushing against the cold tiled wall for a moment, a calming coolness rushing through his veins for a moment as he looked at the other two texts.

H: Where are you? I'm looking for you if you are still here.

Rory's eyes widened in slight surprise when he read the last message.

H: Rory? Why are you crying?

How did he know? Where was he? He was- Rory cut himself off suddenly when he heard a gentle calm knock hit his stall door, then a familiar voice spoke softly, echoing a little off of the walls.

"Rory?" The voice asked, sounding concerned and a little worried, even if he had just met Rory not too long ago he had already started caring for him. That was a first at least.. But... Why...?

"Er... Y-Yes?" Rory asked, flinching slightly when he heard the sadness in his voice, like the tone you hear when you speak after crying, you sound upset. He could feel the cold and darkness growing from outside the door, the aura Hunter was giving off seemed worried and concerned, but it felt like he was trying to hide it from everyone, as if he didn't want anyone to realize it.

"Are you okay? Please come out..." Hunter replied after a moment, he must've hesitated when he heard Rory's now small and pitiful, upset voice. Rory gulped silently and unlocked the door, stepping out and brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"Damn you look horrible... You can't go to class like this but I'll help you." Hunter admitted, pulling Rory towards a nearby mirror. He was right, Rory did in fact look like a mess. His hair was slightly ruffled and a few knots hung loosely throughout his hair, his skin was even more pale than it usually was and his eyes- his eyes weren't bright and mysterious as they were before. Luckily nobody was in the bathroom other than Hunter and Rory at the time so that they didn't have to see Rory like this. That would be embarrassing.

Rory finally nodded gently, agreeing to Hunter's words silently. A small yet still slightly concerned smile spread across Hunter's pale lips as he helped Rory, gently dampening his cheeks with warm water on a paper towel, getting rid of the dried tears that were on his cheeks.

He gently moved his fingers and took out some of the knots, the loose ones at least. The other knots, not even noticeable but Rory would have to take care of that once he was 'home.'

Time finally passed, like seconds, milliseconds. So quick that it soon faded and Rory couldn't capture the moment, they never lasted... He wasn't allowed to have happy memories like... Them.

(Hi everyone, how's it going? Just wanted to say sorry for a slightly shorter chapter than normal... I usually try to write long chapters for you guys because I love you all yet it's really hard for some reason because I'm a lazy and paranoid motherfuxker. Anywaaaaaaay... Thank you all for reading, I'll update soon I promise! Bubye~)

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