3| Helpless and Afraid

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As soon as Rory walked in, he immediately sighed. ...A bunch of immature humans running around... Just my luck... Rory thought silently to himself.

There were students throwing paper airplanes, running around, screaming and yelling, chewing gum loudly, even a boy and girl making out in the back of the class. Gross. He hesitated once again, glancing around the room with a frown on his face as he looked for an empty desk. One that didn't have gum all over it or something.

After a moment, he found one. He walked towards it and sat down quietly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and looking at it. His eyes narrowed as he played a game on it, concentrating on the screen like his life depended on it. Suddenly a boy, about the same age as him-17 bumped into him, making his phone fall onto the floor.

A small gasp escaped from the boy's lips as he quickly picked up Rory's phone, handing it to him shakily. He hesitantly looked down at his hands while Rory turned around and lightly glared at the boy.

"I-I'm so sorry about your phone! I should've been watching where I was g-going." The boy whispered apologetically. Rory sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while he let out an annoyed grumble, waving the boy off before looking back at his phone that had a huge crack down the centre of it.

Stupid mortal... I should've broken his neck right then and there... Rory thought, his hands clenching to fists at his sides as he continued to stare at his phone. I can't do it here though... Too many witnesses, I can't loose my temper either, I'll lose my form...

Soon after that thought passed through his head, the teacher walked in, immediately pointing at kids and scolding them. He then turned to Rory and introduced him to the entire classroom which made heads turn in his direction, Rory wasn't shy at all though so he didn't care.

"Today we have a new student to the class, would you like to tell us about yourself young gentleman?" The teacher asked politely, just like any other teacher should do. Rory nodded gently and stood up, going to the front of the class with a completely forced, gentle polite smile.

"Hello everyone, my name is Rory and I come from-" Rory paused for a quick moment, he couldn't say the palace, people would freak out. Yeah demons and humans knew about each other but demons weren't allowed in this school, that's why the security was high to keep them out. "I come from Russia, I'm 17 years old and I don't like people." Rory admitted, his forced smile fading a little and becoming a little twitchy.

Rory glanced around the room from the corner of the eye, a small group of teenage boys were snickering and whispering about something. Rory could very slightly hear his name mentioned in one of the whispers but other than his name, he couldn't hear anything they were saying.

"Heh, thank you 'Rory', interesting name. Please sit back down now." The teacher ordered calmly. Rory's eyes remained on the group and all their eyes locked on his. Rory glared, a death glare, one that sent cold chills down everyone's spines as his eyes glowed dimly, the golden yellow of pure death that stared right through them like they all were dead.

"Rory!" The teacher repeated for what felt like the hundredth time, even if Rory could only hear it twice. He turned quickly to the teacher in slight surprise before quickly hurrying back to his seat, some kids snickering and some others shivering in their seats as they watched him. After that, the lesson began and everyone went silent as their attentions turned to the smart board at the front of the class, the lights dimming as a short film came on.

Apparently this was history? Why would they teach teens history this early in the morning when obviously their brains are too simple to wake up this quickly. Sigh, at least demons have SOME sort of better intelligence, other demons are just so idiotic it's embarrassing to our race sometimes. Rory spaced out, silently staring at his lap as he thought to himself.

Eventually the bell rang. The class quickly piled out of the classroom in a gigantic hoard, almost making Rory fall and almost causing him to be trampled. Considering how selfish the people were in his class they probably wouldn't care if they were walking all over him.

Rory went through classes quickly, to everyone it must've felt like forever but to Rory, it only felt like less than 10 minutes, he was trained to have lots of patience yet most of the time, his patience levels were incredibly low, usually when he was with people.

Eventually he went outside, immediately sliding down against the wall and covering his face with his shaky hands, gripping his hair painfully tight as he clenched his teeth. Ugh! Such annoying life forms I wish they could all just DIE-

But Rory couldn't finish that thought, someone finished it for him. "Look who we have here!" A voice called out. When Rory got back up the back of his head roughly smacked against the hard brick wall and an entire gang surrounded him. These people weren't in his class but it was obvious they already knew him, or they were in touch with the people in Rory's class.

The gang smirked down at Rory deviously. Rory was uneasy, he had a strange feeling in his stomach almost- fear. What have I ever done to upset these people?

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