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Lazarus's POV

I hate him... I want him to work for me to destroy Leto and then I want him gone. I want him to be GONE. He's annoying, I hate him, I want him dead so badly yet he's my last hope to get my revenge...

From HIM...

~ Flashback ~

Lazarus stood by a blossom tree, the leaves were beautifully bright green as they shone in the warm sunlight. Morning dew was dripping off of every single leaf, it looked like tiny sparkles were falling to the ground. The air was warm as well as the rays from the sun, a tiny breeze blowing past the leaves and blossoms every few minutes.

Two taller shadowy demons followed behind Lazarus who was looking up at the beautiful tree. A large smile was plastered across the child's face as he giggled and laid down in the grass, a few tiny drops of morning dew dripping onto his cheek as his smile remained huge and happy.

"Mommy! Daddy! Someday I want to be as big as this tree!" Lazarus cheered, plucking a nearby dandelion from the ground and gripping it gently in between his small fingers, the little umbrella- shaped seeds moved slightly in the wind as it gently blew past them.

The two demons smiled faintly, something to them seemed off, they weren't as happy as they usually were. They always smiled whenever they came to the tree, the small aura it gave all around it was enough to make anything smile and grow, it was something Lazarus grown to love and adore.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the ground started to rumble. The rumbling then quickly turned to shaking. Was it an Earthquake? What was going on? Little Lazarus thought.

Then suddenly, he came. Lord Leto. The ground had ripped in two huge pieces, the cracks ripped through the soul and plants like they were nothing, it felt like the entire world was collapsing- like it was dying.

A huge throne that was beautifully mixed with silver and gold, black and red shot out of the ground, rising up on a type of Earthy pedestal. Sitting in the throne was the masked being himself, Leto. Quickly, the ground around him had darkened to a disgusting dark red and walls of brick and what looked like dark black stone began to stack all around him, seeming to make a type of home. A castle- no... a palace.

Lazarus remained out of the way, while his parents were the unlucky ones. They were too close to where it all started. Mommy... daddy why are you crying? He asked himself as his eyes widened in horror as a dark red liquid spurt out from their power halves.

What lower halves? Their bottom halves were ripped, missing, GONE. The Earth must've ripped that from them as the palace was forming. Lazarus felt tears fill his eyes, clouding his vision. Everything looked dark around his peripheral vision, why can't I see? Why can't I look away!? I don't want to see mommy and daddy like this... they look so hurt.

I hate him...

I want him to be GONE...

Screams and cries of agony filled the aid as the once beautiful and shiny grass became soaked and stained with the strange red liquid. Tears were streaming down both of Lazarus's parent's faces, they looked so helpless and get Lazarus couldn't do anything but watch.

They never did anything to you... why did you ruin me? Why did you take away the most valuable thing from me? What have I ever done to you? Why can't you ever answer me? Why won't you ever acknowledge my voice? My questions? My thoughts? My theories and answers?

All because of the one thing I feared most.


Slowly, after the blood had poured out onto the ground for a good 47.8 seconds- Lazarus had counted every second, every millisecond, every single moment of their cries- their bodies had stopped moving and they fell limp. Finally, Lazarus rushed to their sides, shaking them softly as tears poured non-stop from his eyes.

"Mommy! Mommy please wake up! You said we could visit the tree together!" Lazarus cried out to the dead corpse laying on the ground. The tears had stopped pouring from both of their eyes yet Lazarus's tears just wouldn't stop pouring. Not ever. Even if nobody could see them, they were still draining down to the ground, they felt invisible and sometimes, nonexistent.

You did nothing to help them... you remained sitting on your throne and you never did ANYTHING. You watched them die, I could practically feel you smirking under that mask, even if I couldn't see it. I haven't lost my sense of feel, right? Nothing is wrong with me, is there? I'm just trying to kill you so that they'll come BACK.

~ End of Flashback ~

Lazarus had led Rory to Leto's palace, where Rory and Ace had once lived there together.

"Why are we here? ...Sir?" Rory asked, glowing green eyes attached to the dark ground as he was led down the long hallway. So familiar, isn't it?

"Glad you asked, I wanted to show you something." Lazarus said as he sped up, stopping at huge doors that looked like they led to the throne room. The doors were black on the edges and the middle of the doors that looked like a diamond pattern that was coloured bright red.

A smirk spread across Lazarus's face as he gripped both handles on the door, ripping the doors wide open with one big pull.

Rory didn't understand why, but his eyes widened in surprising shock.

There sat Leto in his throne, he looked completely colourless- black and white. His head was tilted down towards the ground, he looked asleep.

"You're connected to Lord Leto and that's why you and Ace are alive! Soooooo, I 'magically' disconnected you using my own power and that put Leto into an eternal sleep! Now I just need to make a weapon to destroy him!" Lazarus giggled.

Mother, Father, I'll bring you back.

Don't worry.

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