14| Blank

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Rory slowly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling for a few moments before glancing at his alarm clock beside his bed, resting on his night table. It read 5:10AM. He sighed and turned back to looking up at his blank, white empty ceiling.

...Why did Lord Leto do it...? He could've just asked me, but... It was my fault... I forgot about my duties, I fell in love with a boy, I ignored my job, I forgot about who I was and who I'm supposed to be... I even forgot about my own Lord... I don't even deserve to continue walking on this Earth... Leto spared me... That was a blessing, a complete miracle... I can't even imagine if he'd ever do it again...

Rory sighed and finally got up, his legs aching from tossing and turning all night, he stretched his arms above his head and his bones made the little crack noises as he lowered them.

He rolled his shoulders slightly before heading to the bathroom. He turned on the tap for the shower, turning it so high it could've boiled a human alive, but since Rory was a special type of demon, it didn't harm him, it just felt lukewarm.

He let the hot water pour down his small frame as the water rushed down the drain, his arms wrapped around his chest loosely, his eyes lightly closed. Water fell onto his dark wings which made them shiver slightly, small streams of water gently flowed through his feathers and down the feathered bones that attached the wings to Rory's back.

Secretly, Rory's wings were sensitive, a little ticklish to the touch. That's why when he was around other people or creatures, he was careful enough not to let anyone touch them, especially if it were someone he knew. Rory didn't know very many people though and the ones he did know, didn't know about his sensitive wings.

Finally he turned off the shower, quickly grabbing a fluffy beige and wrapping it around his thin, small body. He sighed and quickly dried off, he decided to leave his hair damp for a while and let it dry on its own. His golden yellow eyes twinkled slightly as he looked into the mirror that was a little foggy from the heat. The reflection showed Rory, or course, but Rory only saw a monster.

The monster was pitch black, eyes bright gold and glowing with rage, his body towered over slightly, much taller than Rory's small body. It's wings stretched much longer and taller than Rory's, they were pitch black as well. The monster's teeth were big, sharp and pointy canines, they looked more like huge dog or even other animal teeth, rather than just tiny pointy ones like an average demon.

The shadowy monster stared at Rory, copying his every move, it was his reflection so, why wouldn't it? It's who Rory was on the inside, deep inside. After about an hour or two, he left his room, walking down the blood-red carpeted hallway towards the door that led outside. He passed a few other demons that were either walking the same way, or the opposite direction.

"Roryyy~ What a surprise to see you here again~" A sudden voice called, Rory stopped, frozen in his tracks. He quickly spun around to see a boy, like himself, one he used to know, long time ago. His hair a white while his eyes were a mix of electric neon green, with specks of red and gold through them. His skin was pale and he wore a black and red scarf, it rested snug around his slender neck while the rest of his body was just covered by a thin cloak. "Well I mean, you LIVE here~ It's YOU who should say that considering we haven't seen each other for so long!! Remember~? You thought I was DEAD!!"

It was true. From what that boy said to Rory, it was all true. Rory and the boy used to be friends once, they used to be best friends, they used to hang out and go on missions and jobs together, until one time they were attacked inside a huge cave and the boy had sacrificed himself for Rory so he could escape and continue to serve Lord Leto.

"H-How? A-Ace?? But-you-" This was so random, Rory was just about to jump up and fly to the high school, and now suddenly his long lost best friend appears? Something was seriously wrong with him though, he wasn't acting as he used to. Ace had changed... He was completely insane...


"Get back here you bastard!" Ace yelled to his and Rory's target- a higher-class demon that was completely pitch black, one that had been harassing the servants and demons of Lord Leto, it was a mission for them both, to catch the demon and bring him to Leto. Ace's wings flapped in rage behind him as he chased after the demon, Rory following closely behind with wide eyes, nothing but rock and stone surrounding them.

Thuds and crack sounds were present, so loud that eventually Ace stopped. Letting the demon get away on purpose, Rory kept going though, even if he had heard the warning sounds. Ace quickly grabbed Rory's wrist, pulling him to himself in a quick hug, Rory's eyes wide and his face surprised.

"Rory we have to get out of here! NOW!" Ace warned, a concerned and rushed tone in his voice.

"W-What? But the guy is right around the-"

"No Rory! Leave!! This cave is going down" Ace yelled as he shoved Rory towards the exit of the cave, rocks starting to fall in-between them. Rory's eyes widened, he extended a hand quickly, hoping Ace would take it, Ace wasn't ever an idiot, he wasn't sacrificial either! Then what was he doing?!

"No! There's not enough time! I'll get the guy quick and I'll meet you on the other side of this damn maze!" Ace yelled, turning away from Rory with a sharp, pained breath. The air was now thick from the falling rocks, dust and sand was floating everywhere.

"Ace stop! Please!!" Cried Rory as the wall of rocks kept building up, not allowing Rory to go after his friend. He couldn't do anything else but escape then. He would do what his friend said- meet him on the other side of the cave...

Ace never came out of that cave... Rory waited on the other side of the cave for years, not moving at all, hoping his friend would come out, but he never did... Eventually, Rory gave up on him, left, and forced himself to forget about him.

~End of Flashback~

Rory blinked, coming back into the world, tears pricking his eyes and clouding his vision slightly. Ace now standing only a few inches from Rory's face.

So... Now what?

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for suddenly adding a new character to the story, but he was planned to suddenly appear, don't worry though, he'll most definitely be important throughout this story. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading this story! It means a lot to me and I just want to mention once again, THANK YOU ALL!! I love you all so so much and I am more than just grateful... Bye then... ^u^

-Koma <3)

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