8| Friends

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Rory slowly awoke from his slumber, his eyelids and body felt heavy and weak. He felt exhausted and tired still, like he always did. The soft black feathers on his wings brushed against his arms making them slightly itchy but mostly ticklish.

Living with wings was pretty difficult but Rory managed- somehow. You always had to be careful not to crush them or get them stuck in anything because they did have bones and yes, it would hurt if you broke them.

Rory slowly sat up, pulling his legs off the bed a little so they dangled over the edge. He yawned and stretched his arms up, his bones making a small cracking sound before he got up, flexing his wings slightly so they wouldn't get sore or stiff.

...Time for school once again, 'joy'... Rory thought silently to himself, combing a hand through his slightly tangled and ruffled dark hair. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the same pill bottle as before.

He opened it and took one of the flavourless pills before putting them back into his pocket, not long after taking one, his wings vanished again.


"Hey Rory, feeling better today?" Hunter asked in art that day. Rory looked down at his lap, offering a small casual shrug with a blank expression on his face.

In truth, Rory honestly didn't know how he felt. Every time he was near Hunter, he felt strange- burning hot sensations all over his flesh while feeling like he was being stabbed in the heart a million times. This is what... Emotions felt like to Rory when they got too strong- it hurt.

What emotion was this though? It felt slightly different than the others. Whenever Rory's other emotions got too strong he felt like rolling over and dying in the dirt because he was freezing, he felt as if freezing to death while his limbs got cut off by a chainsaw and then-

"Rory?" A voice called.

Rory blinked, the world around him not longer his mind, he remembered being in class with Hunter- art class to be exact. He glanced at Hunter who was now leaning closer to Rory's body with a worried expression plastered on his face.

"Are you... Sure you are okay?" Hunter asked, his voice slightly hesitant. Rory could see he was about to continue on with his question but he quickly interrupted Hunter with a sudden explanation.

"Hunter, I apologize for being all over the place lately, I'm usually not like this... I... Like you and it's just making me nervous thinking about you and you make me feel really hot and it hurts and makes me feel like I'm being stabbed in the heart a hundred times!" Rory quickly blushed after hearing his own words, he quickly turned away so that his back was facing Hunter.

"U-Uh... A-As friends..?" Rory squeaked making it sound more like a question than a sentence, he felt his heart pounding so hard it could've suddenly burst through his chest he was that embarrassed.

Why am I acting like this?? I'm not like this! Why am I so b-blushy and embarrassed and.. WARM?? These must be side-effects of the pills maybe... Rory thought, slightly reassuring himself as he slowly calmed down.

"Sure. Yeah, we met once but I don't see why we can't be friends." Hunter finally said.

Wait... What...?

(A/N: I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY for such a short chapter I literally FORGOT about this story I'm so stupid DX I've been trying to work on Shattered Dreams because each chapter is more than 1000 words and it's just been so so stressful here at home and school and ughhhh....... *deep breaths* I'm sorry... I really, really am. I will update this again when I have time/able to. I can't promise when it'll be out though. Thank you all for understanding, I've just been so paranoid and anxious lately because of depression and stuff just please bear with me... It's just so hard to think lately and I'm scared of what the future holds and.. Sigh. *hugs all of you* I love all of you so much, even if I don't have as many followers as my old account, I want to thank you all for being with me. Reaper8439979 iNsAnITY_467 GuiltyOfYaoi69 CielSpamtomhive Nightcorelist RisuSkwirl _1Reject_ ReapersSpectacles DeathReaderSkylar (if I missed your username and you follow me, please let me know. You guys are so awesome I want you all to be here. I love you all. ❤️ -Koma)

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