11| Soft Wings

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Something was off, really off. It hit Rory like a brick, it hurt so much and yet, when Hunter was around him no pain was present. It was almost as if someone were trying to stop him from going to the school, from going close to Hunter.

Rory took a deep breath, running a hand through his still tangled hair, he must've forgotten to brush it this morning, considering he was forcing himself outside of Leto's palace.

"You still look a little pale, are you sure you're alright?" Hunter asked, extending a hand gently to gently touch Rory's forehead with his chilled fingers. Rory nodded, feeling less dizzy than before, it was starting to fade and the world was no longer spinning rapidly, thank lord for that.

Rory closed his eyes and nodded sternly. "I'm fine," he finally replied. After that, Hunter looked down and tried to take his mind off of Rory's conditions, he was obviously aware that something was wrong with him.


The bell had finally rung, echoing through the noisy classrooms and throughout the empty hallways, only a few people lingering and loitering by their lockers before they moved to their next classes.

Rory sighed in disappointment, this was the only class he had with Hunter, the only way he could see his pretty face. He sighed again and quickly gathered up his papers, binder and extra necessities before standing up, waiting for Hunter to stand up as well.

"Hey so Er... Are you gonna come over today?" Hunter asked slightly awkwardly as he stood up as well, his items in hand. Rory shrugged.

"Is that alright? I... Don't want to be a bother-" Rory started, but was cut off by Hunter's soothing, adorable voice.

"Oh no no no! Not at all heh. I'm free after 5 so if you wanna come by around then?" Offered Hunter with a shy smile. Rory stood there shyly, glancing down at his feet before slowly tilting his head back up to look at him, a shy smile reflecting back from Rory's face to Hunter's.

"Alright, I'll see you then."


Rory stood at Hunter's front door for what felt like forever. That raging, aching pain inside of his heart was back, stronger than it's ever been before, it felt like daggers, stabbing him in the sides.

Something was definitely wrong, so Rory decided after he left Hunter's home, he'd go to Lord Leto to figure out what was going on.

Rory raised his hand to the wooden door, he felt blush spread across his face as he felt himself hesitating.

Why does this boy do this to me...? It's... Not... Normal for me to feel this way...

It's so strange... Yet it's warm...

He forced himself to gently collide his fist with the wood on the door, knocking a few times before letting his hand fall to his side, he waited patiently for about a minute, looking down at his feet awkwardly.

Suddenly he heard a small click, then the door opened, Hunter stood on the other side, smiling his welcoming, warm smile.

Hunter was no longer dressed in the clothes he wore to school. They had changed to a black t-shirt with a green pair of headphones on them, supposedly guessing that was a nice design, black pants and he wore just plain black socks.

This was probably his relaxing outfit.

"Hey Rory! Come on in!" Hunter said, opening the door more so that Rory could come in, after a moment of shy hesitating, Rory stepped inside.

Hunter had a nice house, not to mention the huge size of it. When you walked inside, you were greeted to his huge living room with a flatscreen tv turned on to a random show, three huge couches that were a redish brown colour with an open laptop on it, and a few other things such as a coffee table, a glass cabinet full of some shiny trophies and much much more.

His kitchen and living room were attached. His kitchen was bright and lit up as his mother worked away, baking something there. There was a staircase that was painted a dark red, that disappeared behind the wall where Rory couldn't see and then there were other rooms attached, yet from the angle Rory was at, he could only see a little bit of it. From what little he could see behind the stairs, it looked like a dining room with beautiful China in another glass cabinet.

"Nice place you have." Rory commented with a shy smile, fiddling with his fingers shyly before his arm was suddenly grabbed by Hunter.

"Let's go upstairs before it gets too late, alright?" Hunter asked, before letting Rory reply he dragged him up the dark red stairs, and led him to his bedroom.

His bed was twin size with black and white pillows and comforters on it while his dresser and closet doors were a dark grey and black. The handles looked silver and his walls were painted dark blue, like midnight blue.

"So then, let's get to work!" Hunter said determined as he pulled out his laptop from under his pillow.

Rory felt an aching pain inside him again, something that almost made him feel like he had to throw up, but it was mostly faded because for some reason, Hunter was so close to him. Every time he was close to that boy, the pain would vanish.

Rory then sighed and turned to Hunter, in complete seriousness he shut the door and locked it.

"Hunter I have something to tell you... I've been hiding it for a while... Actually..." Rory admitted, feeling nervous as he looked down.

Hunter looked up, curiosity sparking him his eyes.

Suddenly a big pair of pitch black angel wings opened from behind Rory.


He couldn't remember what happened exactly, considering time had felt like it froze suddenly, but all of a sudden he could hear something heavy hit the floor with a small crash.

Oh no... Please, Nonono...

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