10| Your Concern

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Rory slowly woke up, sunlight hitting his golden eyes abruptly as he quickly threw the blankets back over his head. He was surprisingly tired, he didn't want to get out of bed to work, for some reason he hadn't felt like doing that for a while.

On a daily basis, Rory would have about 600 souls to look over, he never stopped for his lord, he kept going just so he could see Leto's ever so slightest ghost-like smile.

But Rory hadn't done that for a long time, he must've forgotten about it for a while, something was distracting him, something was getting in the way and pushing Rory around like a doll, almost like a puppet on strings.


That boy, the one Rory met not too long ago, he had done it. He ripped into Rory's chest and had stolen his heart, making him feel all embarrassed around him, made him clumsy, shy, feelings he never felt before towards anyone, not even when he was alone.

He slowly opened his eyes a blinked a few times, his mind spinning rapidly. He felt sick, heavy, like he was dying. Suddenly some type of strange feeling, forced him out of bed, he shifted the wrong way in the process and yelped softly when he felt a tiny sharp pain in his wing, he crushed it accidentally.

He quickly folded it and got up, getting everything ready so that he could go. Also taking a pill before leaving. Time passed and he was now walking down an empty and partially destroyed road, skid marks were faded on the asphalt and demons were all around, some loitering around while others were just walking by.

Humans walked past as well, each time they passed a demon they looked uncomfortable, they fiddled with their hands and kept their eyes down, like they were scared they might anger one of them.

It hurt deep inside of Rory, he felt shunned from the world. Humans never understood anything about them, they wouldn't ever understand demons even if they tried, they were monsters...

That was why Rory was so careful around Hunter, he didn't want him to be scared of him, he didn't want Hunter to yell at him, push him away like everyone else, force him to live in a dark corner chained up to a wall, like the smaller demons were.

In reality, Rory looked like an average demon, but on the inside, he had weaknesses. After learning them, Rory wouldn't look like an average demon anymore, he would look like a small demon, crying and hugging himself while being beaten in the corner, scars covering his helpless, weak body.

Finally he stopped at the Highschool doors, his hand resting on the door handle for what felt like eternity. His heart was pounding, like a strange force was trying to push him away, he didn't know what was wrong with him, what was going on? It was so normal before but now it's like something doesn't want me to be here anymore... But what?

He slammed the door open, the glass doors shook for a moment but didn't slide out of their places or shatter. He stormed inside forcefully, almost as if he were causing earthquakes around him with each and every step. He closed his eyes tightly and rubbed his temples, a jabbing headache attacked his head, like needles and fire combined into one painful experience.

Pain throbbed and flowed through his veins, almost making his body shut down and fall to his knees, like it wanted him to beg for forgiveness of something. What happened? This wasn't like this yesterday... Something is wrong...

He forced himself to keep moving and eventually after minutes of walking, he reached his morning classroom. The one he had with Hunter, the one he loved the most because he was partners with Hunter.

When he touched the door handle it felt cold as ice, like his hand would've frozen to it if he hadn't suddenly pulled away from it. He closed his eyes tightly, the sinking sick feeling in his stomach increasing by a lot as he forced it open and walked inside, sitting in his seat silently.

Everything hurt, like his body was failing him, like he was failing someone else already. I can feel it, it's stronger than it's ever been this morning, like this school is a drug, like its poison to me, like he is poison to me.

Time passed, Rory counted each second, minute, millisecond, just hoping hat he could take his mind off the aching pain, but nothing helped, he felt sick, he wanted to die, he wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, like his mind was breaking, like his sanity had cracked deep inside him.

"Rory?" A sudden voice spoke softly, breaking through the darkness of Rory's mind, showing little light so Rory could wake into reality once again. He blinked a few times and realized his head was against the cool desk, his head turned to the right and was staring straight at Hunter who was looking at him with a concerned expression.

Rory slowly sat up, feeling less heavy. The headache had faded, his limbs didn't ache, he didn't feel like crying or curling into a ball or anything, he felt... Normal.

"Are you alright?" Hunter asked, reaching his hand forward to gently touch Rory's hand, he quickly flinched and grabbed Rory's hand with his gentle warm touch. "You're freezing! It isn't even close to winter! What happened?"

The worry in Hunter's voice felt like butterflies, in a field of flowers, softness and gentleness combined in one small touch of his.


"I'm fine," Rory quickly replied, closing one eye for a moment before reopening it.

"Thanks for asking... Hunter."

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