17| Soul

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...That soul... That soul it has to be around here somewhere... This seemed so easy on the first fucking day why is it so difficult now...?? Rory thought to himself silently as he dragged Ace through the hallways, scanning each room quickly and carefully before moving onto the next.

Ace just continued to smile and keep his eyes blank as he was dragged along, not minding anything in the world.

"Rory~" Ace whispered loudly, Rory turned to face him quickly and whisper-shouted back.

"Shut up! You can't be loud here Ace!! Just stay silent!" Rory scolded in a loud whisper. Ace smiled and pretended to zip his mouth closed, a smile still plastered on his face innocently as he stared at Rory with crazed, dark eyes. The green, red and gold all mixed together beautifully, making small twinkles shine in Ace's insane eyes.


"Ace! Ace!" Rory called, running towards Ace. Ace's back was turned, when he heard his name being called from the familiar sounding voice he spun around, being met face-to-face with Rory, their faces inches apart from each other. A huge happy smile rested gently on Rory's lips, his eyes bright, happy and childish, something really special must've happened to make him this happy.

"What? What?" Ace asked softly, his eyes twinkling with bright green, mixed with blood red and gold happily. "What's gotten you so happy?" Ace added playfully, curious about what Rory did. They weren't as old as they were in the future, they were only about nine or ten years old, so a lot of things could've made Rory happy, but never as happy as he was when he was with his bestest friend in the world.

"I made Lord Leto smile! He really did smile you should've seen it!!" Rory said childishly, his bright smile on his face. Ace loved it when Rory smiled, he loved it when Rory was happy, he loved it when his friend would tell him about things that made him happy.

"Oh wow!!" Ace replied, smiling widely in return as he hugged his friend close to him, cuddling Rory against his plush white feathers, letting them cuddle. Ace and Rory's wings matched, both white and fluffy, Ace's only a little bigger and fluffier while Rory's wings only reached down to his hips, it was normal for their species of demons, and also, Rory was eight.

Eventually they both fell asleep cuddled into each other, both snuggled into each other Death warmth as they dreamt off. The two were rarely seen apart from others and they were always seen having sleepovers, considering Ace lived in Leto's kingdom, his bedroom was right next to Rory's.

~End of Flashback~

"Roryyyyy~" Ace whispered, bringing Rory back into reality. He blinked a few times, finally seeing how close Ace's face was, just inches apart from his face. "You started staring at the wall like a statue silly~" Ace said with a giggle.

Rory blushed and rolled his eyes, opening a door before looking inside and closing it. Where was that damn soul? It had to be around here somewhere right? Rory's thoughts were suddenly cut off when he saw Ace take off running down the hallway.

"Ace! Ace stop!" Rory whisper-shouted after him, chasing him down the hall, hoping he was quiet enough not to get any students or teachers curious or suspicious.

Ace finally stopped at a door, slowly raising his arm and pointing at it with a blank face. "It's in there Rory..." He said blankly, not sounding insane for once. Rory just rolled his eyes, the soul obviously wasn't in there, Rory couldn't sense it.

"No it isn't." Rory said sternly. "And I'll prove it." He said as he took the doorknob and swung the door open, revealing what looked like an abandoned classroom they hadn't been used in years. Dust covered everything and a few things had been vandalized, the last thing Rory noticed was a dark figure in the corner, crouched down slightly with its back turned.

Rory immediately recognized the figure as it stood up and faced them. It couldn't be, Nonono how could it be... Not now, why him?

The figure towered over both Ace and Rory, just by standing up straight. The figure was the demon that they both chased together back then, he was the cause to why Ace went insane, why he cut off his wings, why he got trapped, why he was like THIS...

Rory felt like he had died inside, everything felt empty and dark, everything hurt. He felt like his own little world died, he couldn't believe it.

Just then, Rory heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"What the fuck!?" The voice asked, sounding startled and afraid.

Rory couldn't do anything but close his eyes and cover his face.

Hunter... Why....

(A/N: I AM SO SORRY I ENDED UP FINISHING THIS CHAPTER ON MY LAPTOP AND I PUBLISHED IT ON THERE BUT I JUST CHECKED THE UPDATE HERE AND IT DIDN'T EVEN SAVE HALF OF MY WORK... I am so so so sorry... DX Stupid Wattpad... This version isn't as good as the original but it'll have to do right? I'm so sorry...)

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