25| Eternal Sleep

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Rory's POV

Tired... I feel so tired yet I have to work... Lazarus ordered me to work, so I must do everything to please him. He seems happier when I do what he says, who wouldn't though? He owns me now, he always has. I don't understand why I feel so surprised.

Rory stared up at Lord Leto who sat there peacefully asleep, he didn't make a single sound, it was completely silent. The only sound that was present was the doors closing behind them with a loud bang noise.

Rory glanced up through his eyelashes at Lazarus who walked forward towards the throne, he seemed to be pondering something deeply. His eyes had narrowed slightly as he stared at Leto's body that remained asleep.

"Sir..." Rory whispered, he was about to continue when Lazarus raised a hand to quiet him. He then looked over his shoulder to look at Rory right in the eyes, his eyes were bright and a little childish as a huge happy smile plastered itself across his face.

"No need to be quiet sweetheart, he can't hear anything. You can scream all you want and he wouldn't even flinch, it's almost like he's already dead! Yet that time is still yet to come, not much longer from now though." Lazarus explained, turning back to face the Lord while Rory stood there thinking to himself for a moment.

"Was the 'scream all you want' an order you said? I can scream if you'd like Sir." Rory commented as he bowed to Lazarus who's back was still turned to him, just a sign of respect for his owner. The words that came out of Rory's mouth made Lazarus cover his own mouth and laugh softly to himself, he seemed amused and even happier than before which made a tiny ghost-like smile spread across Rory's lips.

"We're almost there Rory! I can practically feel the energy being ripped away from his very soul straight into mine... slowly but carefully, right?" Lazarus cheered quietly as he paced back and forth from one side of the throne room to the other. Rory kept his head bowed politely as he tried to tune in to what Lazarus was thinking, unfortunately he couldn't hear anything but thousands of whispers inside of his ears, bouncing off the fabric of his mind.

How have these voices not driven me insane yet? I hope I do not turn into the other one of my species, he's a complete fool. I want to please Lazarus, I like to see his smile, I like to see him happy.

I don't know why... probably because I can't show the feeling of happiness anymore... As long as I see green I cannot do anything freely with my emotions...

Rory watched Lazarus pace back and forth happily, the huge happy smile on his face lasted for what felt like forever as Rory just stood there patiently, content. He couldn't even feel boredom.

Lazarus every so often kept glancing up at Leto, as if he were going to wake up if he looked away for too long. Even so, he was still happy. Suddenly out of nowhere, something felt like it hit Rory in the back of the neck, it felt like an elastic band hitting his flesh, feeling sharp for a moment before burning a little.

Rory blinked a few times as he darted his eyes around the room, taking in slightly rushed breaths, like he was holding his breath for a while. Everywhere he looked, there was no green around it's edges, everything seemed to be back to normal.

Lastly, Rory's eyes had frozen carefully on Lazarus, who's back was still turned to him, what was he doing? How am I back? What happened? ...He must have lost his concentration in the power keeping me as his... that's why I'm back again...

A tiny spark lit up inside Rory, he could sense something getting close to both himself and Lazarus, it was approaching the palace at regular human speed. From the way it felt to Rory, only one of the life forms were human, the other one was a type of demon.

If I lost my connection with Lord Leto, I shouldn't be able to sense some everyday regular demon approaching. Usually Lord Leto himself does that so he can expect them when they arrive here...

But who could it be?

The two figures were so close now, practically right where the cave was not far from the palace at all. It must've came from the high school, right?




Welcome back, Ace.

Just then, Lazarus turned back to face Rory, his eyes immediately locking with Rory's normal golden coloured eyes. He growled softly then snapped his fingers.

"You're such an idiot. Rory, I wouldn't have let you free intentionally, it was merely an accident. Enjoy the whispers, alright? Sorry for hurting your pretty little head."

And just like that, Rory fell back into the madness of Lazarus's power.




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