6| Darker Wings

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That... Boy... Was different than the rest... He looked and acted different from the rest as well... Rory thought.

When people would go to the cafeteria to eat lunch, he would sneak into the library. When everyone had to pick someone to be their partner, he would sit there in his seat at the back of the class, not doing anything but staring down at his lap with his dark black eyes.

Something about that boy made Rory feel... Not so alone. He didn't feel so different anymore, almost as if he actually were part of the human race. Unfortunately that would never happen, Leto would never turn him human.

Rory hesitantly walked over to him, sitting down on the other side of his desk with his hands folded politely in his lap, his spine straight as he nervously looked at the boy. Hunter didn't even look up, he was too busy doing whatever on his phone to even notice Rory existed.

Why am I acting this way...? What's going on...? Why do I feel so... Warm? I'm usually cold-freezing. I can't love, I've never done it before, I don't know how to love... Rory thought. I'm so... Dead... I was made to work, nothing else... Why does this stupid human have this effect on me...??

"Excuse me." Rory finally said, breaking the connection between himself and his thoughts. Hunter looked up, his eyes like daggers towards Rory for a moment before they surprisingly softened a little.

"What." He replied which made Rory inwardly flinch.

"Hello, my name is Rory and I have been assigned as your partner for this project... Will you work with me?" Rory asked, once again inwardly cursing himself for not sounding 'human' enough.

Hunter put away his phone, putting his elbow in the wooden desk before resting his chin against his hand. His eyes attached to Rory's eyes, making Rory feel slightly warm in his chest.

Something is definitely wrong... I shouldn't be able to feel this way... Why am I acting like this...?? I... I'm not made for this... Rory thought, looking towards his lap, he was twiddling his fingers almost like people do when they're bored- something else he never did.

"Um... 'Rory'? You still there? You look like you're about to be sick... Do you have to go home...?" Hunter said, his voice feeling like soft feathers running across Rory's flesh, warm and soft.

"U-Uh I think I should just go to the bathroom to put some water on my face..." Rory replied after a moment, it shocked him on the inside because... It was as if his body was moving on its own, like he... Wasn't in control.

Rory had heard the teacher mention a rule earlier that day about, if you need to get a drink or use the bathroom, write your name on the chalkboard and erase it when you come back. Easy enough.

Hunter nodded, his eyes filling with slight concern before he suddenly stood up and grabbed Rory's arm gently. "Hey, do you have a phone on you?"

"Er... Why?" Rory replied, handing his phone over to the boy who immediately went onto it, Rory inwardly cursed himself once again for not putting a passcode on it, he shall do that later.

"There, just incase you do end up going home I put my contact in for you. You can text me tonight and we can discuss our plans for the project, alright?" Hunter asked, handing Rory back his phone. Rory just stood there blankly, staring at Hunter like he was insane.

Never worked 'texting' before... I shall do some research tonight... I know all about the 'internet' and 'Google' and all of those but never texting... I shall try it out. Rory thought to himself, finally offering Hunter an almost shy happy smile before walking out of the classroom, putting his name on the board before closing the door behind him.

The halls were empty, in about twenty minutes they would be completely flooded with hoards of students and teens. Disgusting, sweaty, noisy students, UGH.

Rory gripped the side of his head, usually like some do when they have a headache. "I... I've got to find that soul... I can keep it with me in my body and then when I return to my wonderful, Lord Leto, he can remove it from my system. That should work."

Rory rushed to the bathroom just like he was planning on going after Hunter said that, he didn't know why. His feet just moved on their own and Rory felt trapped in his body, he felt his wings pushing against the flesh on his back. The pills were finally wearing off... So glad I'm going to the bathroom to take another, if anyone sees me in my demon form, I'll be ruined! He scolded himself inside of his mind, quickly throwing open the bathroom door and scurrying inside, going to the nearest and biggest stall. He was panting, he must've started running halfway there. He took a few deep breaths, putting his arms up on the wall and resting his forehead against the cold tiled wall trying to calm down.

He heard the bathroom door open and close many times, the bathroom filled with talking and then a few times it was only two people, then it became crowded again. The voices were all present to Rory, they felt like whispers, all trying to tear at Rory's fabric of his mind, trying to get to him. Sometimes... They did.

You're unloved... Forgotten... Leto doesn't care about you, you're just like the other disgusting demons in life... You deserve to be dead, REMOVED from this once beautiful world... YOUR kind ruined it... Rory thought to himself, slowly sliding down to his knees against the wall and pulling them to his chest, burying his head in between them. He felt his wings protrude from the flesh on his back, making the tiniest flesh ripping noise as slight blood trickled down his back but quickly dried.

His wings were dark, darker than the rest because... He couldn't feel.... If he could feel the same way humans did, he would have beautiful, white wings or even light grey, even the tiniest bit of light mixed in with the darkness that would show everyone, 'I exist too.'

But sadly... It would never happen. That's how it was.

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