26| Come and Get Me

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Ace's POV

We're so close... Hunter and I can see the palace from the hill, we're right beside the cave and moving quickly... we've come so far, we can't mess up now... Rory please hold on just a little longer...

Ace suddenly pulled Hunter to a stop, right outside of the outer doors of the palace. The doors stretched high and wide, outlined with black while the inside was a bright blood red, patterns of darker red and black diamonds inside the bright red.

"What are you doing Ace?" Hunter asked, turning to Ace with a confused expression, his left eyebrow raised a little in visible confusion. Ace sighed and turned to him, a completely serious look on his face as he started.

"You'll need a weapon, Lazarus is strong, you won't be able to just throw a punch at him and then it'll be over. This requires... Blades." Ace explained, thinking silently to himself for a moment before he decided on something. "Alright... I've got it."

Ace held out his hands, a small spark of white and dark light swirled together and then the light started to shift into the shape of a blade. It looked like a completely white dagger, no curves or edges it was just pure light and power mixed together.

Then after a few moments, the blade shifted again, the light slowly fading from it. It revealed a small blade that had a handle. The edges of it had small shiny white spikes, the blade was sharp and slightly curved, the very tip pointy and shiny. There were small curves in the actual sharp part and the blade seemed to ever so slightly glow white and black around its edge.

"Here." Ace said, swinging it once through the air before offering it to Hunter who stood there frozen in shock, he didn't seem scared, just a little nervous. Probably because he's never wielded a weapon like this before. Or even a weapon at all for that matter...

"Cmon Hunter, take it." Ace ordered politely, sounding blank for a moment as he just grabbed Hunter's wrist and bent his finger's to gently grip the blade's handle. Hunter stared blankly at Ace for a moment before he looked down at the blade, his eyes immediately snapping up to stare into Ace's eyes.

"What do I do with this!? I can't use this!!" Hunter exclaimed, making Ace roll his eyes.

"I can make it sharper? Different size or shape? Or maybe-" Ace started.


"You want to save Rory, don't you? Because you 'wuv your precious baby?'" Ace asked teasingly in a baby voice, making Hunter practically face palm himself in embarrassment. So cute.


Rory's POV

29 steps away... now 26... and now they have stopped... they're so close now, I can sense their presences... almost feeling their very breaths...

One of them has a weapon, I'm not sure about the other one... I am for sure though that it's missing it's natural features- wings that should come from its back.

This should be interesting.

The doors suddenly swung open, the same doors that both Rory and Lazarus entered from. Stood there in the doorway, were both Hunter and Ace. Hunter was holding a dark dagger with the blade giving off a little white glow, he was gripping it tightly, his knuckles were turning white.

Obviously anxious...

Rory turned to look at Ace, who looked completely serious, his eyes were glowing bright green with small glimmers of gold and blood red. He seemed to be frowning softly, his eyes hard and determined, yet... A little fearful mixed with a little bit of worry and concern.

How predictable...

How strange...

Let's just get this over with...

(A/N: Hey guys it's been a while since I made an A/N eh? Lolll... Anyways, I'm sorry to say this, but Darkened Wings is sadly- almost over. I do in fact have other stories that are just like this one but even better, I really really suggest you check them out! In my opinion, this story isn't that great, I actually kinda plan on re-writing this story SOMEDAY in the future as 1st person because this story was ORIGINALLY planned to be in 1st person but I completely messed up and made it 3rd POV. Oops! Anyways yeah, only a few more chapters left to go and then this story is done and out of my way! :) Thank you for whoever reads this story and thank you to those who always vote when they finish the chapters. ^~^ It really means so so much to me, I hope you guys know that. :) So yeah... I'll work on the next few chapters then officially, I'll make a A/N to mention that it's finished. Once again, thank you all for reading.


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