29| White as Snow

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Ace's POV

Ace had talked to Leto for a while learning a few things that he didn't know before, things including his insanity, the mind torture, the cave.

Leto had explained to Ace that the reason he had gone insane was half because he was trapped for a long time in a small cramped space and the other half was supposedly because Lazarus had planned to trap Ace and he had used his power, spreading it all over the cave. So when the cave collapsed on Ace, the power of Lazarus had effected him, that's what happened to Rory.

Since Ace and Rory were both connected, half of Ace's mind-torture was transferred onto Rory's mind, only at a later date though, considering Lazarus had planned to get Rory as well just in the future. That didn't make Ace's eyes green though, they were naturally the same colour as Lazarus's power effects but the only difference you could notice from them was the small bits of red and gold in them. Sadly, that was a permanent feature to his eyes, and the gold and red would never vanish.

Ace sighed. I guess it's time to go see Rory and tell him the news... Ace thought as he got up from the grassy spot he sat upon, stretching out his beautiful white wings before him and starting to glide through the air, his wings never faltering.


"You what!?" Rory asked, almost shouting right into poor little Ace's face, not that Ace minded though, he was used to it. It reminded him of Rory and himself when they were both little, when Rory got excited and really happy he would act the exact same.

"Yes Rory, I got my wings, AND sanity back." Ace said, a soft smile on his face as he watched Rory's bright gold eyes shine and sparkle happily, he seemed so childish sometimes.

Rory jumped into his arms, smiling childishly as he gripped onto him like an excited child, Ace's smile only grew larger with happiness as his eyes shined. Then a memory suddenly came back to him.

~ Flashback ~

"Ace! Aceeee!" Rory called out to him. They were about eight or nine years old, both standing proudly on the top of a cliff, the same one Hunter and Ace once stood upon together. "What are we doing here?" Rory asked happily, curiously looking up at the one year older Ace who flapped his wings happily, looking off the cliff with excitement.

"I'm going to teach you how to fly! So we can go flying together! Kay?" Ace asked, still smiling happily as he lifted Rory up, holding his hand securely so that he wouldn't accidentally slip and fall down.

"I'm... I'm scared of heights Ace..." Rory admitted, his white, fluffy wings fluttering softly behind him as a tiny faint frown appeared on his face.

"Don't worry Rory! I'll be here with you! Kay?" Ace reassured him, flapping his own wings gently behind him as he was lifted into the air a little, only about a few inches so that Rory wouldn't panic. "Just take my hand, I've got you."

With that small bit of confidence, Rory leapt from the cliff edge, immediately not being able to catch himself. He wouldn't fallen, but luckily Ace was there still holding his hand. Ace gently pulled him back to the cliff edge, a soft frown on his face.


They had tried, over and over again. Rory still couldn't fly and Ace had tried as hard as he could to try to teach him, yet nothing had worked.

Rory watched as his best friend sat at the cliff edge, pulling his legs to his chest with his head down as he watched small streams of tears slide down his face, little Ace was upset, frustrated. He didn't want Rory to be grounded forever, he wanted to fly with him, he wanted to do something for his best friend.

"Nothing is working... I've tried everything... I think we should just give up." Ace mumbled quietly to himself, unknowingly, Rory had heard. A tiny frown spread across his face as he thought.


"Why are we here again Rory? I thought you were afraid of heights?" Ace asked, being dragged towards the same cliff edge they had been to about a few months ago, he almost had completely forgotten about it. His hand being held securely by his best friend.

"I want to show you something I've been working on really hard." Rory admitted, finally stopping at the very edge. If he were to step back once more, he would fall.

"Be careful Rory." Ace warned, concern sparking in his eyes as he watched his friend with worry written all over his face. Rory only rolled his eyes playfully and leaned back, slipping off the edge. Panicked, Ace tried to grab onto him, but then he realized he didn't have to.

Rory, was flying. Right in front of his eyes. Tears filled Ace's eyes as he flew up beside him, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you Rory! You did it!" Ace praised him, making a proud smile find its way into Rory's face as he hugged back.

...My Best Friend...

~ End Of Flashback ~

When Ace finally blinked and came back into reality, he didn't know how long it had been. He looked down and had noticed Rory still hugging him, buried in his arms in an everlasting hug.

Ace smiled happily and then his eyes widened when he noticed what was sitting before him.

Coming from Rory's back was not a pair of darkened wings anymore, what was coming from his back was something white, as white as snow. As white as the clouds above the both of them.

Rory's wings were complete white like they had once been. Just like they used to be.

And from then on, Rory no longer had;

Darkened, Wings.

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