12| Afraid of the Big Dark Demon?

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That crash... It was Hunter's laptop smashing against the hard floor of his room. It startled Rory, making his heart rate pick up by a lot, He could feel it thumbing against the inside of his chest. Each thump slowly got more painful, like there was a curse on him.

The fear that was written all over Hunter's face...

It could've killed me...

"Hunter-" Rory started, but Hunter's cry made him freeze exactly where he was. He could sense his heartbeat, it was the same as Rory's, practically pounding against his ribcage.

It hurts... It hurts so much and I failed so badly... I shouldn't have done that I know I shouldn't have... Now he hates me, he'll hate me for all eternity and it's all my fault...

"Get away from me! You're one of them!! You can't even deny it now because you literally just SHOWED me! Why!?? What did I ever do to you??" Hunter asked, his words slowly going from anger and rage, to hatred and sadness, he could hear the sadness and betrayal in Hunter's voice. "P-Please don't kill me! I'm sorry for whatever I did to you or Lord Leto!! W-What did I ever do to deserve this??" His pleas made the familiar stabbing pains worsen, shaking and striking through Rory's entire body each time he moved or breathed.

By now, the damage was done. It was all over, there was nothing more he could have done to fix the situation. He slowly turned around so that his back was facing Hunter, too ashamed and humiliated to even show his face anymore. Rory wanted to die, there was nothing left of him, at least not what he thought. The pain had eaten away everything from him, like Rory was completely ERASED.

"You're nothing but one of THEM! You're a disgusting, ugly demon that is nothing but destruction and chaos!! What did I do HUH!?" Hunter yelled, his fists clenching in anger, yet his eyes were full of hurt and sadness, like he was about to break down and cry.

His dignity...

His faith...

His hope...

His humanity...

His feelings...


"W-Well??" Hunter shakily asked, his hands up in defence as he continued to stare at the dark winged demon.

"You brought something new to my life..." Rory mumbled quietly, secretly gripping his hands over top of his heart in his chest.

"And you made me love you,"

Not a moment after Rory confessed, he was gone, vanished into nothing. He had teleported away, he already scared Hunter, he made him hate him, why couldn't he ever do anything normal? Why couldn't he do anything right!?

Hunter remained frozen, eyes wide as he stared at where the demon was. He was different, he didn't try to hurt him, he didn't try to kill him, he didn't try to kill him.

Not like the other demons, Rory had humanity, sanity, feelings, a life to live, not like the other demons who would dedicate their entire lives to destroying things and eating pure, innocent souls.

Hunter sighed and picked up his fallen laptop, looking at the damage. Just a small chip in the corner of the screen, it wasn't even noticeable unless someone pointed it out, maybe he could cover it with a pretty design or a sticker or something.

His heart was still racing madly, like he was about to have a heart attack, even though it wouldn't happen. It made him feel sick, made him lightheaded, it gave him a headache- a bad one too, just his luck right?

He sighed and slammed the screen down on his laptop before he got up and placed it on a beanbag chair near the closet in his room, next to his tv that had a brand new Xbox connected to it.

What did that stupid demon want from me? Why did he lie to me? Why was I so stupid to believe that he was my f-friend...

Oh well, he's gone now, and if he were really, really smart...

He wouldn't come back....


Rory sat on the edge of his bed, legs dangling, eyes tightly shut in desperation to control himself and his feelings. Hands gripped against his head, bracing himself from the scalding, tearing pain. There was no physically injuries, but like recently, the pain would never fade.

Something was so, so wrong. Rory should've went to Lord Leto the first little while the pain started, now it was practically unbearable, he couldn't stop the tears from pouring down his cheeks.

Tiny cries and sobs escaped from Rory's lips as he slowly slid to the floor, his dark wings trembling in agony behind him, practically laying limp on the floor at that point.

Fuck fuck fuck!! Why does it hurt so badly!? Why can't it all just go away!?

Rory took a deep breath and forced himself onto shaky legs, barely even able to carry himself anymore, the unbearable pain slowly sapping away his strength and energy.

It was time to go see his Lord.

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