21| Mind-Games

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Ace's POV

...We have finally decided... Hunter and I would work together to save Rory. He told me he respects the facts about Rory and my species, I understand that. He's human, it's a little much to take in all at the same time. I explained to Hunter everything about what happened to Rory and I and how I showed up in the picture, he seemed to surprisingly relax a little more by hearing my side of the story.

...Don't worry... Rory...

...We'll be there...

...I'll find you...

???'s POV

...It's been about a day so far Rory has been completely under my control, he's been completely docile and submissive. Obeying my orders when I tell him to do something and doing them when told to...

...Such a good pet~

"Lazarus. The inner gates have been sealed, no possible entry or exit through them." Lazarus suddenly heard a voice behind him, his shadowy body shifted so he turned to the small demon. He was standing there blankly, blankly staring at Lazarus with glowing neon green eyes.

"What did I say about calling me by my real name!? You call me 'sir' or 'master' do you understand!?" He snapped suddenly. Rory didn't budge, nor flinch at all, like he was emotionless. Lazarus had complete control of his emotions along with his mind and body, he could suddenly make Rory really depressed and the next minute, he could make him completely happy and all smiley. But Lazarus liked to keep him emotionless pretty much all the time, emotions bothered him, especially because the people around him couldn't follow orders without being annoying.

"Yes, master." Rory said obediently, just like a dog. While he is under Lazarus's power, he couldn't think his own thoughts, talk with his own opinions or own ideas, and couldn't express his own emotions. He really was a slave, wasn't he?

...Stupid idiot...

"Now go, I'm disgusted with your actions... you should be DEAD, but you're lucky I'm feeling somewhat generous." Lazarus spat, eyes narrowing angrily at the smaller demon.

Rory stared blankly at Lazarus for a moment, eyes flashing brighter for before he bowed and nodded once.

"Yes, master."

And Rory bowed his head politely to Lazarus as he shooed him away. Once Rory was gone, he turned back to what he was doing, sighing in frustration and annoyance.

...Controlling people was harder than it looked... their stupid ugly faces, their stupid facial expressions, I want them to disappear... that would be less annoying to me, probably to everyone else as well...

Ace's POV

Hunter and Ace stood at the entrance of a forest, between the tall trees was pitch darkness. It was getting dark, everything would be dusk soon. Crickets chirped in the long grass around them, stars were filling the darkening sky. Lazarus- they didn't say his name often, didn't ever really think there was a purpose because they thought he was dead.

Ace and Hunter weren't close at all, considering the fact they had met not too long ago. They wanted to work together though to save their friend, plus kill the one who caused all of this. Everything would be better then, they'd have their friend back, Lazarus would be gone, Rory would be safe with them.

Everyone could be happy...

"We have to go in there Ace?" Hunter asked, both his arms at his sides and hands clenched to gentle fists as he stared into the darkness of the forest.

Ace sighed and nodded, a faint, ghost-like smile plastered across his face as he walked forward. Small flowers scattered the ground, some white, others light pink and blue. Some were lilacs and others were roses and tulips, some blooming and bright in the moonlight while others remained closed. Their soft petals hiding the beauty and colour inside them, keeping the outside world out.

Ace continued to walk through the dark black grass, Hunter following closely behind him as he looked around curiously. Ever since Leto took over, new flowers had started to bloom.

The flowers were special because they did amazing things in the moonlight. They looked like average droopy bluebells in the daylight but once the moon's glow shone over them, they wouldn't droop anymore and they would tilt upwards toward the sky, giving off a light blue glow.

They were called, 'blue moons' because like mentioned earlier, they only glowed and stopped drooping when the moon's beautiful cool rays hit them.

"These flowers are beautiful..." commented Hunter. He then thought for a moment, finally adding one more thing to complete his sentence. "We should take Rory here... he'd love it."

Ace thought for a moment, curiosity glinting in his green eyes for a moment before going back to insanity and discord. He then nodded and looked at Hunter over his shoulder, slowing down for a few seconds to reply.

"Blue moons were Rory's favourite flower... we used to have a field of them right outside the palace. We could see them from our windows every night." Ace spoke softly, almost shy to tell a story. Bringing up childhood could've made Ace suddenly break down and cry right then and there, hearing those cute old stories was heartbreaking to think the one who made all those beautiful memories with him, was kidnapped, taken and locked away from him, and would only come back to the surface if he and Hunter went to go rescue him.

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