4| A Special Boy

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"Well, well, well." The leader started, towering over Rory with an intimidating gaze, making a tiny shiver move up Rory's spine. "Let's show this new guy what OUR rules are, a'ight boys?" He gestured to his group that crowded closer to Rory.

Rory then closed his eyes tightly, concentrating with all his might before the ground around him started to crack and rumble. The gang looked confused and backed away, eyes locking on Rory's now hunched over figure as pitch black smoke swirled around him at high speed. Small cries of fear came from the group, eyes flickering to everything that was suddenly happening, something was wrong, who was this? He isn't even human, why is he here? He wants to hurt us, he wants to kill us, he wants to torture us... Why else would he be here? Obviously it's a demon who slipped past the security!

Dark wings then shot out of his back, feathers spread slightly as he stretched them behind them, wide out and open for anyone even miles away to see. He then straightened so he wasn't hunched over anymore, eyes flickering up to look at the now terrified group that once stood tall and intimidating.

"You fucking bastards..." Rory murmured quietly before suddenly shooting forward, the hunger taking over his body and in a blink of an eye, the group was gone. Rory looked down at his hands that were now covered with dark red liquid- blood. Their blood...

Rory closed his eyes lightly in pain as he wrapped his arms tightly around his chest as he slid to the ground against the wall, burying his face in his knees before starting to cry. I don't like being a demon, I hate it so much... I don't want to hurt I don't want to hurt! He continued to shout and chant to himself inside of his mind but on the outside it looked like he barely cared at all.

After a few minutes, the tears were gone. There was no trace of them ever even being on Rory's cheeks, like it never even happened. After about a moment, he scurried inside and rushed to the bathroom, putting his hands underneath the scalding hot water that flowed from the tap. He didn't care, he acted as if it didn't hurt him even though it did, it hurt so much yet he stayed calm and blank. Just like he always did right? He was good at that right?

He scrubbed his hands for what felt like hours, making them red and draw blood slightly. He winced but continued, finally turning off the water and drying his hands on some paper towel before throwing it out and heading back to his classroom. It was already last period. The teacher was trying to explain to the class something about a project coming up or something, for once Rory couldn't concentrate. He was too deep in thought to hear anything, it was all muffled around him, as if they were fading from the universe slowly.

He closed his eyes lightly for a moment but when he reopened his eyes the teacher was standing in front of him with his hands on his hips as he yelled and scolded him. Rory nodded after the teacher yelled about something random he did and then the teacher returned to their desk where they decided to mark or write something down.

To be honest, Rory never actually heard what the teacher said. All he could make out was... He was angry at me. I don't know why... What did I do wrong? What am I even doing anymore? I can't concentrate I must concentrate on finding that soul...

He took a deep breath and looked at the big white board that was placed in front of the entire class. It was showing pairs of partners, great. Rory looked for his name and finally found it beside a kid named... Hunter.

Mhn, cute name.

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