Chapter 2 A broken heart

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I finally came at my house and just went straight to bed. Tears were strolling down like when Igneel died. I was so sad. I just wanted to isolate myself and hide from everything.

Meanwhile at the guild just after the announcement. Gray POV

I did it. I told everybody of the guild the news. Everyone was cheering and people were saying congratulations. Even some guys said "That was about time." I was so happy everyone reacted that way. Now that I think about it Natsu wanted to tell me something important. Where is he? At that moment I heard the guild doors close. Did someone just left? Nah, well it doesn't matter though. I want to party with everyone. So the party began. Many drinks later I was wondering were Natsu went. He isn't one to miss a party. Especially a fairy tail party. So I asked Lucy about it. " Hi Lucy. Do you know where Natsu is?" "Now that you mention it. I haven't see him after the announcement. Strange. Maybe he is sick. I mean he did act strange." "Thanks Lucy." Maybe Happy knows something. "Happy do you know where Natsu is?" "No.. he just left me here. I can't find him either." Strange. Ah whatever. He is probably at home sick or something. Like I care. I went on with the party. Happy said to me "I'm checking on him maybe he is home." "Okay see you later Happy." He flew away. 

A few drinks later Happy came back bursting through the doors. "Guys. Natsu is acting strange."  "Strange? What do you mean Happy?" Lucy asked. "He is in his room. He is not coming out of it and he doesn't talk to me. He is not acting like himself." "Strange indeed." Erza said. She was clearly in thoughts. "He did act strange during the mission as well. He told me he was  nervous." Strange. Nervous. Nervous about what. That is no reason for him to hide himself. Maybe it has something to do with what he wanted to talk about earlier. Nah.. I guess not. "Happy. I think he is just not feeling well. Give it some time. It's Natsu after all." "Yeah you are probably right. Thanks Gray." I nodded and the party continued. Everyone was or passed out or going slowly home. A typical fairy tail party. Normally a party Natsu wouldn't miss. He probably will show up tomorrow. I went home just like everyone else. 

How wrong I could be. I still regret not taking Happy's worries that night serious.

He didn't show up after that like three days. And after those three days he changed dramatically. 

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