Chapter 10 The truth

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Natsu POV

"Natsu, what I mean is that I really love you. Sorry it took so long." I was crying harder and hugged him. I didn't know if this was a dream or reality. But I hoped it never ended. I was so glad. My happy tears never ending. While he hugged me back he caressed my hair. "I really love you Natsu." I couldn't make a sound I was so glad. "Aren't you supposed to say something Natsu, it a little embarrassing if I'm the only one confessing." He said. I had to laugh at that a little. "I-I." It wasn't working. "I-I I'm s-s-so gl-glad. " I sobbed in between. He let out a sigh. "I'm all yours Natsu." "I – I love you too, G-gray." I felt he was getting warmer. He let me go to look at me. I didn't want to break that hug it was so precious to me. "I'm not dreaming right?" I said. Gray laughed. "Of course not silly." I wiped my tears away and smiled towards him. He smiled back. "I feel guilty though Gray." He frowned. "Why Natsu?" "You have to break up for me don't you? Or do you love Juvia as well?" He sweat dropped. He had clearly forgotten about that. "I will tell her honestly that I love you, I already warned her about it before I went with this journey." A tear was peaking at my eyes, but I wasn't allowing it to drop. "So it is my fault you will separate." I felt awful. I separated me more from him. "I hate myself." I declared pulling on my hair. "Maybe it was wrong you found me. What I'm doing isn't good. I'm a horrible person." "Stop it." Gray screamed clearly angry. He has all the right to be angry. "Just say it is a joke, Gray. So you can go back to your normal life. So you don't have to deal with my gay problems." He was balding his fists. "Stop it you baka." I wanted to say something again but Gray beat me to it. 

"I love you you idiot. I'm willing to sacrifice my save life as you call it. I would love to. I want to be with you. Why can't those words reach you, you're so stubborn." "I-I just don't want you to say all this so I would come back, I want to know it's not just a dream." I said crying again. "You already hurt me so, Gray. I can't handle a second time." His face was getting sad. He was crying with me. "I'm still sorry I hurt you so I never want to hurt you again, Natsu. Please be with me." I hugged him. "It is reality right? I won't wake up from this right?" "Stop doubting me firebreath, I'm not joking." I was glad, no I was overjoyed. "Gray, why are you separated from the others?" Gray laughed. "sudden change of subject Natsu, I got lost because I ran after you the other day." He sweat dropped. I had to laugh a bit. "I'm sorry, let's find them." I was starting to get up. "Wait, you know where they are?" Gray asked shocked. " Yea kinda do, but not exactly cause this forest make all scent spread around. But I figured it out." Gray jumped and hugged me. "I'm glad you have that super nose." I had to giggle of that comment. "Silly Gray, I'm not a dog or something." We both laughed. Still I couldn't believe it. Gray loves me. We walked towards the rest of the group. 

Actually they weren't that far apart. I stopped. "What's wrong Natsu? Why do you suddenly stop?" "Because after that bush they have set up their camp." "So? Let's go." He grabbed my hand and wanted to walk towards it. I let go of his hand and didn't move. I still stood there like I was frozen. I was anxious. "What's wrong? Don't you want to see them?" "I kinda do, but I don't know how to respond. I'm afraid Erza will hit me or something." "Silly it's okay." I gulped and Gray took my hand again, but this time I walked with him. "Hi everyone wake up." Gray yelled. I still wasn't prepared for this. I was afraid. Slowly the others woke up. "Gray-san is that you?" Wendy said still tired rubbing her eyes. "Who dare to wake me up at this hour?" Erza sounded mad. I hid behind Gray, Erza is still angry. I heard the others waking up but not saying anything. They all one by one came out of their tent. They were glad to see it was Gray. "It's just you Gray, good you found us now go to sleep."Erza said, she wanted to turn around. But before she could Gray yelled. "Look who I found." He swung me around so I was standing in the middle of the group. The eyes of everyone lit. "You found him Gray-san." Wendy said happily. Wendy came towards me and hugged me immediately. I looked to Gajeel he had a smirk on his face and said "Yo." Laxus kinda did the same only he didn't say anything only nodded. I kinda nodded back towards them both. Then I looked towards Erza. She was smiling and walking towards me. I gulped. Wendy let go of me and Erza did her heart crushing bear hug. I couldn't breathe but I had to endure it.

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