Chapter 16 Recovering

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Gray POV

I woke up with a heavy feeling on my chest, I looked at my chest and was glad. On my chest my pink-haired lover was still sleeping. He looked so cute. I didn't want to wake him up, so I didn't I only kept looking at him. I was so happy, yesterday was such a hectic day. Natsu was quite a lightweight on my chest, I didn't like that though. That means he didn't eat properly when I was gone. I caressed his lovely hair, then Natsu stirred in his sleep. I stopped. Natsu winched. I chuckled. I went further with caressing his hair. "D-don't stop." Natsu said still sleepy. I had to laugh at that. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I told him. He tilted his head to look at my eyes. His perfect green like eyes. "Good morning Gray." He smiled lightly. "Did you sleep well?" He nodded. "I did, I haven't slept so good in a while. Thank you." "Silly, you don't have to thank me for sleeping together." He laughed lightly. He was clearly not his usual self still. But I guess it would take some time, I hurt him quite bad. "You're alright now Natsu." I said while caressing his hair. He tilted his head to one side, a look of confusing clearly visible in his eyes. "Why do you say that Gray?" "Well you look.. I don't know. I hurt you bad and I understand your still healing, so I was securing you that you would know that." "I know that silly. Don't push me though. Give me time to recover to my old self on my own." "I won't." I ensured him. He smiled lightly. 

"Would you want breakfast first or rather a shower Natsu?" He put his finger towards his chin. "I rather shower. I don't think I want any breakfast." I was stunned. Natsu with the endless pit of a stomach, didn't want any food. He is clearly recovering still. "Gray, don't give me that face." "What face?" "Like you've seen a ghost. Yea I can't handle food like I used to, so yea no breakfast for me. Don't make such a big deal out of it." He stood up and left the comfy bed. He was walking towards his bathroom. "Mind if I join you in the shower?" He was steaming. "I-I." I smirked. "Natsu I don't mind, but if you don't want to yet I don't mind." He turned around. "I would want to, but I don't want to at the same time." He looked shy. 

"But I also believe we won't find a temperature we both find relaxing. I chuckled, I guess that's the truth. "We will overcome that Natsu, why not try it out?" His face was red like Erza's hair. "I-I don't want you to see my body yet." I found that strange though, I mean I have seen Natsu's body on missions a million times. We even bathed together in the past, what's different. "It isn't like I haven't seen you naked before Natsu. What's the big deal in some nudity?" His face became even redder, I didn't know that was possible. Steam was erupting again from his face. "I-I." I walked towards him and took a hold of him. I put my hand around his waist and was staring in his eyes. "I really want to join you in the shower Natsu." He pushed me away. "You don't understand you exhibitionist." After he said that he turned around and walked fast into the bathroom and locked it. What did I do wrong. "Natsu, please open up. Please explain why I can't join you. Am I pushing you?" 

Natsu POV
I hid in the bathroom. I felt so bad, why did I do that. I lean against the bathroom door and let myself slowly sink down. Eventually I'm sitting on the ground leaning on the bathroom door. I feel so bad, why didn't I want it. I'm ashamed of my body. I'm afraid he would leave me if he sees my body. I hear him knocking on the door "Natsu please open up. Please explain why I can't join you. Am I pushing you?" I let a tear slip. "That's not the reason Gray." "Please tell me what the reason is, did I do something wrong?" "I don't want you to see this weak body of mine, you would hate it. Or even pity it, I don't want that." "Silly goose, that isn't a reason I would pity or hate you. I love you, I don't mind seeing how you look even if you don't look the best." That give me a little hope. I stood up slowly and opened the door on ajar. I looked into the crack. "Really?" "Yea of course silly." I opened the door. "Okay, but I don't know if I can handle it though. I feel really ashamed of it." I looked at him. He smiled. "I won't judge you of your body sweetie." I smiled lightly.

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