Chapter 24: the pregnancy

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Natsu POV

I woke up next to a still sleeping Wendy and Gray. I wondered what Wendy did here until I remember everything from last night. I just looked at them for a while. Until I didn't feel well and speeded towards the bathroom.

Of course when I arrived at the bathroom I hurled. Gray came walking in the bathroom still sleep in his eyes. "Are you alright Natsu?" he asked. I tried to respond but another wave of nauseous came over me, so yea I hurled again. He sat behind me and rubbed on my back in a soothing way.

After I calmed down and stopped hurling, I let myself lean against Gray. "I feel a little better thanks, snowflake." I tried to smile. "You're welcome, I do everything for my love." I smiled at that. "Do you agree with my choice I made? Sorry I made it alone that's selfish right." I chuckled.

"Yea I agree to your decision. But yea it is also selfish to not let me decide with you. That doesn't mean I will leave you or that you will die, I will do everything to prevent that." "Thank you honey. I won't die."

Than Wendy stood in the doorway rubbing her eyes full of sleep. "Are you alright Natsu-san?" "Yea thanks to ice cube here.." "Hey!" "Just joking, don't let it get to you." Wendy laughed. "Let me check you, just to be sure." "Aye sir" I responded.

Wendy did her magic on me. "You're alright for now, but we have to make sure he takes it easy. Gray-san." She pointed towards Gray. Ah well, I mean I am a handful I guess. "Yea of course Wendy-chan, I will take care of him." She smiled.

"I'm making some breakfast for you guys, so let Natsu-san take it easy for now. Then we can decide if you guys want to go to the guild." "Wendy we are definitely going to the guild, I can handle that." I said smiling. Gray and Wendy both sighed.

"Natsu take a nap or a shower I see you downstairs for breakfast." I nodded. I decided to take a long warm shower.

When I came downstairs feeling refreshed, breakfast was ready. "Did you made all this Wendy?" I asked stunned. "Yea with some help from Gray-san. Because I'm clumsy." She smiled and blushed. "You're both great. I would of have burned the kitchen." They both sweat dropped.

After breakfast we walked towards the guild. I was glad to finally arrive so I sat immediately at the bar for a drink. Gray joined me and Wendy went towards Charle, who was with Happy.

After I got my order Romeo walked towards me. Gray looked shocked, didn't understand why though. Oh I wish he told me though.

"Natsu-nii, are you serious making the decision to keep the baby?!" he yelled emotional. The guild went silent after that remark. Macao walked towards us. "Behave yourself Romeo, it's their decision." I looked stunned towards them both. So he was against it.

"No I want to hear this from Natsu-nii himself. So Natsu-nii do you really keep it?" "Well. Yea of course I would keep the baby. Why are you so upset?" Oh I wish I didn't asked that question. "Of course I would be upset. You're my hero. I don't want to see you die because of a baby.." He screamed crying. That hit me hard I got angry.

I stood up from my stool, so abrupt the stool fell over. I did something I regret. I slapped the boy in his face. "How could you say that!!" I started crying. The whole guild gasped at my action. Romeo was holding his cheek.

"I'm not changing my mind because you say so! Even so it is not just a baby. This baby will be born and loved, it is our baby. Mine as Gray's. So don't you dare to say that ever again.!" I walked away from the guild angry.

Gray POV

When we ordered our drinks at the bar. Romeo came walking towards us. I was shocked, Natsu looked at me why I had that look. Shit I forgot to tell him that Romeo is against it. So yea Romeo told Natsu that. First Natsu was just shocked. But when Romeo told 'it's just a baby.' I got angry but not only me. Natsu got furious. He stood up from his barstool and the stool fell over.

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