Alternative chapter 14 The distrust

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If you want to skip into the changed part, go to where I put this sign (!!)Here is the part(!!). The rest of the chapter didn't changed at all. 

Natsu POV

Days went by after another, I healed slowly everyday. I was getting better at walking. Now three days further, I could walk on my own again without any support. I had to rest once in a while. But I was standing on my own two feet again. My negative thoughts didn't changed though. I haven't seen Gray in three days and I'm wondering why it takes him so long to break the news to Juvia. Or was it really just a fake excuse. I am doubting everything. I was walking towards the guild with Happy. Happy was speaking happily about fish I guess, I wasn't quite following it. I opened the door, the rowdiness came back after those three days. But I like it better that way, my hearing isn't oversensitive anymore and I'm glad. I still don't fight in the guild brawls. Some speak to me and say they miss it to brawl with me and they miss my loudness and I think my fire or my spirit or something like that. I was indeed quieter than I used to be. I'm still not used to a lot of attention. I order my spicy chicken like usual at the bar, I sat next to Lucy and Erza. They both ordered their usual as well.

I sighed. "What's wrong Natsu?" Luce asked. "Well I'm bored sometime, and I wonder why Gray is taking so long." Erza sighed. "Well Natsu, you wouldn't listen to mine or actually to Gray's message. That would actually explain why he is taking so long." "He explained it. Really he did?" "Yea but Natsu, bad luck I'm not going to relay that message anymore towards you." "Why not? I have to know." "Natsu you should of have listen to it when you got the chance. But you wasted your chance." I was disappointed. Are they not telling me, because the message was about Gray not loving me. It was all a joke right. I couldn't handle all these negative emotions. Luce and Erza were talking about other things. I stood up. I didn't finish my dish. So both Luce and Erza had a strange look towards me. "Where are you going?" I was getting mad, they all know right. I looked a little down, so that my hair would fall over my eyes, shadowing them. "You both are joking with me. You all know of it. Probably the whole guild knows about it right?" They both looked confused to each other. "What are you talking about Natsu?" Luce said. "Don't play the fool now. You both damn good know what I'm talking about." "No Natsu I really don't." Luce said. I was getting furious. Both of my hands turn into fists. I was shaking of anger. I looked them in the eyes and yelled "You're probably all in this game right. You won't fool me any longer. So stop pretending. I'm not buying it." "N-natsu.."Luce tried to say something but I went on. "Stop making that face, you're all fooling me. He isn't going to tell her right. I will all be just a joke a laughing matter when I leave the guild. I had thought better of you guys. I even called you my friends." I couldn't take it anymore I was at the brink of tears so I ran. I left the guild as fast as I could after my anger outburst. After a while I had to stop running, I was breathing fast again. So I walked instead. I walked a detour towards the house. I decided to walk through the forest that lies close by my house.

Lucy POV
What just happened. Natsu was angry at both Erza and me, but I don't know why. He might even be angry at the whole guild. "Do you know what he is talking about Erza?" Erza looked with the same confused expression towards me. "No Lucy I don't. I didn't expect him to have such an outburst." "Do you think he is angry at us we don't tell him the message anymore?" "I do believe it is part of it. But what he said, it sounded much deeper. I'm still fingering it out." Erza said. Mira came walking towards us. "What was that about? I was shocked to see Natsu like that." "I don't know Mira, Natsu was suddenly very angry at us. We both don't know the reason." Some of the guild members came asking the same thing, what just happened, but we both couldn't respond to it why it did. We both went home with a load on our shoulders. Wondering what just happened and why.

Natsu POV
When I calmed down a bit by walking through the forest I was going to my house. I didn't trust mine so called friends anymore. So I did the same what I did at the beginning. I walked towards my bedroom and didn't leave it. I heard Happy coming home. He called my name many times. I wasn't responding, I didn't feel like it. Happy came at my door and knocked on it. "Natsu are you in there? Please open the door." I didn't respond. "Maybe he is asleep. I wonder what he was talking about in the guild." After that I didn't hear Happy close-by anymore. Happy said he didn't understood what I said. That's weird right. Why didn't he know, did they leave Happy out of it. Or is he playing a roll in it too. I was pulling my hair again. I started doubting again. What should I do, I can't. I just didn't came with an answer. So I decided just like then to stay inside my bedroom and not to respond for a while. I had to think this through. Happy came that day several times at my door. He left every time believing I was sleeping. Or more like he was hoping I was.

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