Chapter 18 The heat

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Juvia POV

I was glad I had a good talk with Natsu-san, I was glad he told me the truth. I was a little stunned that he vomit and even told me he was getting married to Gray-sama. That really stung. But I guess I should of have seen it coming. Gray-sama acts fast though. I walked to the guild still wondering if Natsu-san is really okay. When I walked in, Gray-sama walked to me and asked where Natsu is. I couldn't blame him. "Gray-sama, Natsu-san left to go home. He didn't feel that well." "He left?" He was surprised. "Are you sure he is okay?" "I don't know Gray-sama, he left after our conversation. He did vomit though.. I don't know, maybe you should check on him." After I said that Gray-sama went immediately towards the doors. But he was stopped by Gajeel. I didn't understand why though. "Gray, you shouldn't go to him right now." "Huh? Why not Gajeel?" Gray-sama asked. "If you do you will hurt him." "Gajeel explain I don't understand." I noticed that Gajeel had a slight blush on his face. "I can't explain here." Suddenly Laxus stood up and walked towards the two, I didn't know what is going on. Laxus took Gray-sama by his shirt. Amazing Gray-sama has still his shirt on. "You better listen to Gajeel." "Laxus what's wrong with him?" Gray asked, not understanding a thing as well. Laxus didn't look at Gray. But he was grinding his teeth. "Wendy, come with us." Wendy stood up looking at Gajeel and Laxus. She nodded, she understood clearly. "What's going on?" Erza asked them. Gajeel and Laxus looked at them and said both looking very angry "None of your business." Leaving the whole guild stunned. They dared to say that towards Erza. "Erza-san please don't ask it is a dragon slayer thing. Don't blame the boys either.. They are... ano. Not like themselves." Wendy said and bowed. They all walked outside with Laxus still holding onto Gray-sama. I didn't understand but I was hunger after my emotional conversation with Natsu-san so I went to the bar to eat.

Gray POV
I was confused why only Juvia came back and not Natsu as well. What happened. But what I was more stunned about was the reaction of the other dragonslayers. Why did Laxus and Gajeel reacted so boldly. We walked to the slope. Laxus dropped me down at the grass. "Calm down Laxus-san." Wendy said. Laxus and Gajeel were both very angry, they were continue showing their sharp canines. "Can you explain what's going on and why I can't see Natsu?" They were working on my nerves. "Gray-san." Wendy said with a sad expression. "If you will see him now, you will hurt him more." Gajeel said. "Why?" "Starting today we're all going through mating season." "You what?" The boys both grinned their teeth again. "We dragon slayers will mate in this season just like real dragons do. Natsu and us we're all in heat as we call it. Except Wendy because she is too young." Gajeel explained. "Gray-san we will visit him and see if he is doing okay." Wendy said. "Why is it hurting him if I see him? He already told me I'm his mate." "Yea that's true, but we won't let you." Laxus said. "As Laxus is saying, we won't let you see him." "Why not?" "Because Natsu-san is in the season more vulnerable than at other times. Just one sentence said wrong and you could really hurt him." "What? But he was okay this morning right?" "It was starting today, tomorrow is one of the hardest day on us." Laxus said. "Gray don't misunderstand. It is not because we don't trust you. But Laxus and I are both dominant dragonslayers, Natsu is a submissive. We have a brotherly need to protect him." "Only brotherly right?" I said still not liking a word they're saying. "Yea, we all have already have a mate set. Both not Natsu. He he." Gajeel said. "Can I see him today? I will lay off tomorrow." "Gray-san, this is important. Natsu-san ca..." She was interrupted with Laxus laying a hand on her mouth. "Don't say anything Wendy." "I really want to see him. He would be sad if I don't come right?" "That's true. Only for today. We will take him to the guild tomorrow. Probably." I found it suspicious that they didn't let Wendy speak. So they agreed to let me see him today. When we came to his house it was silent. 

As we enter his house we could see he was sleeping in his bed. Wendy walked towards him. "He's having a fever." She said. "Already, that's fast." Laxus said. Gajeel nodded. I didn't understand what they were talking about. "Is he okay Wendy?" "Yea Gray-san." I sighed. He woke up. He looked confused why we all were there. "Natsu-san how are you feeling?" "It is hot in here, I'm sweating. My head hurts. What are you doing here? G-gray." When he said my name he looked full with lust and the whole room started heating up. I never seen Natsu like that. I liked it. No I loved it. "Oh oh." Gajeel said. "Already?" Laxus said. "Guess so, Natsu-san is fast." Natsu all looked at their faces and wanted to walk towards me. "G-gray." He said turned on. He was sweating and even steam was coming of him. Not only his face but from his whole body. "Natsu-san please lay down." Wendy said. He was getting angry. "Let me see Gray." "No you can't." Laxus said. Natsu didn't want to so he continue walking. Gajeel got a hold of him. "Let me go." He said angry. Heat coming from him. Gajeel was having a hard time holding him down. Wendy did a wind move so all the heat directing towards us would go the other direction. "What's going on?" I asked. Then Natsu started crying very hard. "L-let me go, p-pleaase." He wailed. Laxus saw that Gajeel was having trouble dealing with Natsu so he sent a bolt of lightning towards Natsu. He screamed but felt on the ground after that. "Natsu." I screamed wanting to go to him when Wendy stopped me. 

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