Chapter 25 the assault

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Four months later.

Gray POV

We walked together towards the guild. Natsu was feeling well today. He always had his hand on his belly. I found it cute. When we got in the guild we immediately got to a seat. Natsu was nowadays exhausted after a small walk. "What can I get you honey?" I asked him.

He was resting in his seat and then he answered "I want spicy ice cream." I sweat dropped. I got used to all the weird eating habits from Natsu. So I got him his spicy ice cream.

Suddenly Master screamed "Erza, Gray, Lucy and Gajeel come immediately towards my office." I looked towards the master and looked towards Natsu. He nodded. "Gray, Master calls you I can handle myself just fine." "Okay, be careful." Wendy walked towards Natsu. "Don't worry Gray-san I will keep Natsu-san company." She sat next to Natsu. They both smiled. I sighed but walked towards the office.

"I asked you all in for an important request. They specifically asked for team Natsu." "Master we can't take Natsu with us." Erza stated. "I know that Erza, that's why Gajeel will replace him, because they need a dragonslayer. I can't send Wendy with you guys as well because of Natsu's pregnancy." I was so glad he took that decision. "I'm okay with that Master he he. When will we leave?" Gajeel asked. I hated that I had to leave Natsu though.

"You'll leave as soon as possible, so right after this conversation. So Gray explain to Natsu why you need to leave today." "I will Gramps." "I will explain the details of the mission to Erza. The rest of you need to pack your things and leave immediately." "Aye sir." We all replied.

So I left the office and walked towards Natsu. "Honey, we need to go on an emergency mission. You are not allowed to go with us, so is Wendy." They both looked towards me. "I understand Gray, please be careful." "Also Wendy-chan will you please take care of him while I'm gone." "I will Gray-san." I kissed Natsu on his lips, it was a passionate kiss full of love. I was worried something will happen to him while I'm gone. "Take care Natsu, please be careful." He nodded. Then I left.

Natsu POV

Then Gray left the guild, and I knew that he would immediately leave towards the train station. I expected this. I mean I heard every word that was said in Master's office. But I didn't like it that Gray had to leave. I was glad though that Wendy is going to stay with me. "Wendy get your stuff so you can sleep at my place. I will leave already towards my house. Okay?"

"Natsu-san I don't want you to leave alone though." I wished I didn't said the next thing I said. "It's okay I won't leave alone right Happy?" "Aye sir." I wish that I waited for Wendy, but I'm stubborn and stupid.

We left together, I mean Happy and I. I was getting a little bit nervous. But I thought I can take care of myself right. O right I can't because of the baby. I'm so stupid. Just midway towards my home the punks from months ago showed up. Shit. Why did Gray had to leave now? I thought.

"Salamander, you're finally alone." I took a fighting stance, I know I can't protect myself properly without using magic, but I can't lose either. I whispered towards Happy "Get someone from the guild immediately, I will try to run towards the forest. Hurry."

Happy flew as fast as he could back. I hope he is back just on time. "So where is your over protective boyfriend? Fag!" The punks screamed. I didn't even knew what I did to get them upset. They were definitely angry I could tell that. "You even got fatter Salamander, you fag pussy!" I was ready to run away as soon they would come at me. But I knew I wouldn't last long running.

They tried to hit me and I ran. I ran as fast as I could, the pregnancy was holding me back. I got towards the forest but the punks were very close by. Shit. Where is Happy? But before I could get any further, one of the punks hit my head hard. Shit I fell on the ground. I was holding my belly, so I tried not to fall on it. I fell sideways.

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