Chapter 17 Telling Juvia

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Natsu POV
I was overjoyed, Gray asked me to marry him. I was speechless. He carried me home bridal style. I found it so comfortable that I was falling asleep. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. That fight with Elfman hurt and exhausted me more than I expected. I hated that I couldn't even win from Elfman. It did hurt my pride. After that I didn't think anything anymore, because I fell asleep in Gray's arms.

Gray POV
I was carrying Natsu to his place, he was having trouble to stay awake. He tried his best but after a while he fell asleep. That payback could come another time. He is so cute when he sleeps. He did battle hard in this state of mind. Poor him. So I walked to his cabin, but decided to just lay him down and fall asleep with him as well. The announcement of our engagement will come soon enough. We fell asleep holding each other. I woke up from the sound of snoring and because of the heat. I looked beside me and saw Natsu holding my arm like a pillow. He was curling up beside me. I loved it. He was emitting a warmth I loved, although it was warmer than normal. At that time I didn't think about anything wrong at all. He was cuteness overload. So I kissed him awake. "Hi fiance." I said. He blushed bright red. "Good morning Fiance." I like the sound of that. "Would you want to try a breakfast? Just a light one." I saw he was doubting. " You don't have to honey. But I just want you to recover." "I know, just don't expect me to heal in one day. But I will try some food." He smiled lightly. Yesterday he laughed like he used too just after the question of marriage. I still was amazed that I did that. We weren't so long together. After we ate breakfast we went to the guild. "Thanks for the food." Natsu said. He didn't eat much, but he finished what he had on his plate. That was a beginning right. He was holding his stomach the whole way to the guild. I didn't question it. 

We walked inside the guild and were greeted with many welcomes. Like our normal welcome. The guild was rowdy as normal as well. We sat at the bar, Natsu asked Mira something but I couldn't hear it. I found it weird though. Happy came flying at Natsu and sat on his head, but very careful. "Did you forget about me Nashuu?" He wailed. "Of course not buddy." I did though. Then after Natsu tried his spicy chicken from Mira suddenly Juvia came walking inside. Natsu stopped eating. He went pale. I didn't know what overcame him. I whispered to Natsu "Should I make the announcement?" He furiously shook his head, denying my request. I found it strange. He was shaking not looking at me anymore. He even became redder and redder in his face. Just like this morning he was emitting more heat than usual. Juvia than came towards us and walked to me and Natsu "Hello Gray-sama, Natsu-san." "Hi Juvia. How are you?" I asked. Natsu was shaking but didn't respond he was staring at his chicken. "I'm fine I guess Gray-sama thank you. I will probably ask Lyon one of these days for a date or something like that. How is your relationship going? Already asked him?" Ask him I was gulping, did she knew. 

Natsu started sweating, he wasn't good after all I guess. But she continued. "Asked him to be your boyfriend Gray-sama?" "Oh, o yea of course I did." I stumbled. Natsu stood up. We both looked at him. "Sorry Juvia I have to go." He said and left the guild. Juvia and I both looked at each other. Erza came asking "What's wrong with Natsu?" "I don't know." I responded. "Did I say something wrong Gray-sama?" She really didn't. "No you didn't. I think." Now that I think about it Juvia isn't talking in third person anymore, when we were in relationship I told her I found it annoying. Is that the reason she isn't doing it anymore. "Sorry, have to check up on him." So I ran after him. I saw he was running to the same slope I did the proposal yesterday. He sat on the same spot. I walked to him and sat beside him. "What's wrong Natsu?" I asked. He looked at me, still looking pale. "I-I feel.." he felt silent after that. He sighed hard. "You can tell me Natsu. Take it easy." He took a deep breath. "I think I still feel guilty that I ruined your relationship with her. I feel sick thinking about it. I just.." "Silly, you don't have to it was my choice. I already told you that. Was that the reason you don't want me to announce our engagement?" He looked at the sky. "Yea I guess, Gray. I first want to talk to her if that's possible I hurt both of you as well." He looked sad towards me. I hugged him. "Silly." I caressed his hair. I didn't want him to feel this way. "Let's go back right?" I asked. He nodded. "Gray, this sounds weird but I want to tell her personal." "I understand." I told him. 

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