Chapter 12 The way home

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Gray POV

Laxus carried Natsu inside and put him in front of Gramps. Gramps talked to Natsu. "Natsu my child. I'm glad your back. Are you alright?" I saw that Natsu responded but the guild was so rowdy that I didn't hear what he said. After that moment my heart sank. I saw that Natsu collapsed in front of me. Just like his legs were made of jelly. Everyone yelled "Natsu!!" I ran as fast as I could towards him. I hold his head in my lap and the group and gramps were very close as well. I was so worried. "Natsu please wake up. Respond to me." I said at the brink of tears. "Wendy what's wrong with him?" She looked panicked and did her magic to look what's wrong. Gramps looked worried as well. Actually everyone looked worried. Gramps then yelled "Everyone give them some space." The guild member shoved a little backwards. "Gray carry him towards the infirmary." "Yea gramps." I did what I was told and Wendy was following after me as well as gramps and the others from the mission. I heard gramps yelling "Only these people get in the infirmary. Please wait outside the rest of you." I heard all kind of noises outside. But I couldn't care anymore I was scared and worried. 

When I put him on the bed and sat beside him the tears started to come. Wendy was doing her magic. I hold his hand in the hope he woke up very soon. Gramps walked towards me and said "Gray or someone can anyone explain what just happened out there? Why did he collapse?" I couldn't react at that moment but Erza did. "Master, Natsu was very nervous to come back to the guild. The specific reason I don't know of. But he wasn't responding at any of us the whole trip towards the guild. He froze in front of the guild and we had to take him with by force to get him inside." "With force?" Laxus looked guilty. He rubbed the back of his head. "Yea old man, I had to punch him in the gut so I could carry him inside." Gramps sweat dropped. Erza continued "Well after that we came inside, I believe he was overwhelmed with all of it inside the guild. And then he collapsed. The reason of that I don't know that. Wendy do you know?" "Well he is breathing heavy and sweating a lot. He was indeed panicking in front of the guild but inside as well. I believe he had a panic attack." I was still crying. "Wendy why would he get a panic attack? This isn't like Natsu." Wendy looked at the floor. "I don't know Gray-san, Natsu-san isn't like himself lately. Maybe he was scared or something, I don't know." Gramps sighed. 

"Gray-san I heard him say something at gramps before he collapsed." "You could hear that Wendy?" Gramps asked. The other dragonslayers were shocked as well. "You all couldn't?" She looked towards the other dragonslayers who both shook their heads. "So only I heard. He said this to gramps. It was quite soft though. 'Gramps. Loud.' Only those two words." Everyone looked confused. "So he probably did mean by that that he was indeed overwhelmed with the sounds of the guild? I guess." Erza said. "I believe he meant that." Gramps said. "What can we do gramps?" I asked. "We have to wait till he wakes up. Make sure he doesn't leave. Also Gray I want to know what you're response towards Natsu was and what you're going to do with Juvia." I didn't expect to hear this question so early. I gulped. "I love Natsu, that's what I told him and what I feel." I sighed again. "I will tell Juvia this honestly as well, but now I don't want to leave his side." "I understand. Please take care of him. You all will take turns to watch Natsu with Gray as well." They all nodded. "I will have the first watch with Gray-san." Wendy said. The rest nodded again and left the room. 

Wendy took a chair to side beside me. "Are you alright Gray-san?" "Yea kind of. Can't you do something for him right now Wendy?" I looked at her. She looked guilty and looked towards her lap. "No Gray-san, I can't help him right now. He has to wake up with his own power. I made sure he didn't get a fever or his condition of breathing wasn't getting worse. He is stable now. There is nothing more I can do for Natsu-san. I wish I could." I ruffled her hair. "Thanks Wendy." She smiled lightly. Then Natsu was searching with his arms for something. I tried to calm him down by pushing the arm downwards lightly. At that moment Natsu took a hold of my hand and was at rest again. He had a firm grip on my hand. I shed some more tears. "He is happy he has you by his side, Gray-san. I can tell." "How?" I said between sobs. She smiled lightly. "I believe he was panicking again because he thought you weren't near him. Now that he felt you he calmed down, Gray-san." I smiled between tears. "You think so Wendy." She nodded. I was happy to hear that. 

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