Chapter 19 The heat continues

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Gray POV 

Cobra was in the room, I didn't understand what he wanted with mine Natsu. It was already bad that Gajeel and Laxus were all over him. But they insist they are like brotherly protecting him. "Get away from him." Cobra snarled. Laxus and Gajeel both growled, I never heard them do that this loud. "You get away!" Laxus yelled already bolting with lightning. Gajeel was also preparing his magic for the battle. "Don't you dare to come closer you poison freak." Gajeel snarled back. Wendy was shaking and still healing Natsu. She was whispering something but I couldn't hear it. I stood protectively behind Gajeel and Laxus but still before Natsu. Laxus and Gajeel attacked Cobra and it went on a full on fight. I couldn't make out any of this. "G-gray-san we have to get Natsu-san out of here." Wendy said in a low tone. I nodded. I carried him, he was still hot. We jumped out of the window running. "Where are we going Wendy?" "Just out of there.. I don't know but male dominants fighting over a submissive is very dangerous." "Should we go back to the guild then?" "No we shouldn't, if we do that Natsu-san will be in danger again. Let's bring him to his place." I nodded. We ran to Natsu's place. Natsu was still sleeping, sometimes he was moaning or whimpering in his sleep. Sometimes he even called my name. I put him on the couch. He looked adorable. He started to wake up. "G-gray." He looked erotic again. "Oh no." Wendy said. But before Wendy could stop Natsu. He was already holding me tight looking straight at me. "Gray take me." He said in a lustful voice. Wendy's face went red. I had a blush on my face. 

He was emitting heat again. He then looked angry at Wendy. "Don't you dare come close to him." He snarled. Wendy was shocked but knew better. Natsu threw his arms around me and started kissing me. But not like he used to it was way more, I don't know how to explain it. Normally Natsu kisses with passion sometimes with lust, but always careful and with a lot of love. This kiss was demanding, full of lust not love. I finally understood what Wendy meant by a Natsu I didn't know of. He was acting weird. I wanted to push him away, but I couldn't. "Natsu-san stop it!" Wendy was screaming and pulling at Natsu. It didn't have any effect at all. So Wendy put her magic in the game. A whirlwind of wind came between us and we finally became separate. Wendy and Natsu had a staring contest. "You can't have him Wendy!" He screamed. "I don't want to, but you can't have him either." She screamed back. I was taken back at the scene I was seeing. What should I do I mean they look like they will fight among themselves. But I had to be calm. Didn't want to fuel Natsu's emotions more. I exhaled deeply and let mine magic do the trick. I made the whole house an ice palace, I even froze Wendy and Natsu on the spot. They could speak though. I wouldn't want to freeze them whole. "Will you two calm down already." I said lightly irritated. "G-gray-san what did you do?" Wendy asked. "You both wouldn't stop with this act. I was sick of it." Natsu started crying. "Natsu I really love you and I hate to see you protected by Gajeel and Laxus. But apparently it is a dragonslayer thing and I just have to lay down. I hate that. Your finally mine and now I have to back off." "Gray." Natsu said, stopping with crying. 

"I know a way Gray-san, you could at least stop the fight between Cobra-san and Laxus-san and Gajeel-san by it. But afterwards you have to promise to indeed back off for a while. And this time with back off I mean, just don't touch Natsu-san." "What do you mean Wendy? Is there a way?" "Yea there is, but it will be harder for you to not mate with Natsu-san after that. So it is a little bit with a risk." "Gray." Natsu said. He wasn't listing I guess. "So tell me Wendy." I said. "You can mark Natsu-san. By biting him in like his shoulder or collarbone or some other place at all. But like I told you Gray-san after that it will be hard to not touch him at all. Cobra-san will lay down after that. Laxus-san and Gajeel-san will back of a little, but their urge to protect him will not go away though. So like I told you before we can gain you access to see him like all the time but not touching allowed." I gulped. "I understand the marking part. But why can't I touch him after it?" She sighed. "Gray-san if you do touch him after you mark him, you also want to mate him no matter what. Like we told you before, if you do that, Natsu-san will get pregnant and you both will regret doing it." She spoke with a blush on her face. "So the pregnant part wasn't a joke at all. Okay I will refrain myself from touching him afterwards but I'm going to mark him now okay?" "Okay, Gray-san please be careful and can you release me please?" "Sorry Wendy." I undid my magic around Wendy and slowly at Natsu. I walked to Natsu and bite him hard in his collarbone, breaking skin. He is moaning like crazy, but something else is happening as well. 

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