Chapter 15 The reunion

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Gray POV
"G-gray?" the tears from Natsu weren't stopping. "Yea I came back Natsu." He smiled lightly. "You really did." He stood up from the bed. I was afraid, if he is this vulnerable should I hug him. Then a lightning striked close by and lit the whole room. Natsu was afraid and was startled of the lightning and he jumped up and run towards me. He hugged me. I hugged him back. "I'm afraid G-gray." "Ssh, I'm here. Look at me." I took a finger under his chin and lifted his head up so he would look at me. "I love you Natsu." He was crying again and I kissed him. He stiffed at first, he was shocked apparently. But he soon relaxed and kissed me back. We broke apart for air. Stupid air. "Are you really?" I didn't understand his question. "What do you mean?" "You really love me right? You're not joking or something." I laughed a little. "Silly why would you think I was joking about this. I really love you, I really do. I told Juvia that I love you and not her. I broke up with her sweetie, if I didn't love you I wouldn't break up with her right?" "I'm sorry Gray, I had so many doubts when you left." He was crying, but he wanted to say more. So he spoke further between sobs "I really love you, but I was afraid you would leave me. I believed you were joking, because your my rival. I thought it was stupid of me to fall in love with you, you're were taken and I stole you. I was afraid the guild would blame me for stealing you from her and that I was gay. I thought maybe you would made fun of it or maybe the guild would be disgusted with me. I-I" He started to fully cry now.

"Shh. Honey it's alright. You don't have to think that way anymore. You're alright. I'm here, and not planning on leaving. I really love you and nobody has the right to think you stole me. I made that decision Natsu. Don't blame everything on you. Do you really believe the guild would think your disgusting because your gay. Silly, they already know your gay." He was still sobbing but the sobbing got a little less. I saw behind me Wendy crying silently. I totally forget about her. "Do you want to come to the guild with me Honey?" I said. Natsu looked at me with doubt in his eyes. "It will be alright I'm there for you. Don't you think you own them an apology? Or don't you want to announce we are dating honey? Well one of the members already knows." I said. He nodded slightly. He looked behind me and saw Wendy. "Thank you Wendy for everything." He said. She bowed. "Gray, may I hug her, she was a great help when I felt so down." "Of course silly, you don't have to ask." I said. He let go of me and walked to Wendy who he hugged. She was still crying. They hugged for a moment, then broke apart.

Natsu stopped with crying and looked at me. "I look horrible right? Should I make myself more appropriate." Natsu said shyly. "I don't care honey, your always beautiful to me. Or would you want to shower together." His face went immediately red, so did Wendy. I smirked. "Baka, Wendy is here, and no I don't want that." I walked towards him. He is so cute when he is shy and angry. I put my finger under his chin to make him look at me again. "Are you sure sweetie?" There was literally steam coming from his head. "I-I" He said unable to make a sentence. He was so cute right now. I kissed him on the lips again. He didn't expect me to. We broke apart. "Let's leave that for another time sweetie." I took his hand and walked towards the door. He was still red like the hair of Erza. Wendy walked behind us, she didn't want to interrupt our moment. We went again through the heavy storm to arrive at the guild again. We were soaking wet when we arrived. We burst through the doors.

I saw that Natsu was anxious again. "Natsu." "Gray." Almost all the members said. Mira said "Welcome back you both." I walked further still holding hands with Natsu. "Everyone I have to announce something." The guild went silent. "Natsu and I are dating." The whole guild was cheering and making sounds. Natsu his face went red. What a cutie pie. Erza, Lucy and Happy came towards us. "I'm glad you both are back." Erza said. "I'm too." I said. "I'm sorry." Natsu mumbled. "What did you say Natsu?" Lucy asked. He looked at me. I made a nod to say continue. "I'm sorry Erza, Lucy, Happy. For everything." Lucy and Happy were crying. Happy flew in his arms, wailing. "I missed you Nashuuu." He said. Natsu was on the brink of tears as well, but he held strong. "I'm just glad your back Natsu." Erza said. "How did you tell Juvia?" Mira joined in our conversation. I gulped. "Well.." Natsu looked at me with curious eyes as well. I sighed.

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