Chapter 5 The mission

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Natsu POV

The next early morning we, team Natsu, left for the mission. I wasn't glad at all. But I had to deal with the situation. I would try to avoid Gray but I know that avoiding him entirely wasn't possible. We got at the train station. My stomach already turned. I looked at Erza, she nodded that she understood what I meant. Erza punched me unconscious.

Gray pov
We were at the train station, I saw that Natsu already turned green by only looking. So he turned to Erza who understand his look. I had an idea and I was right Erza punched Natsu out cold. Erza threw him over her shoulder and walked with the rest inside the train. Wendy cast troia on herself, but it didn't help like usual. So she was wobbling. After the train depart Wendy fell asleep on Lucy her shoulder. I sat with Juvia in a seat across of them and Natsu laid out cold on the lap of Erza. I don't know why but I felt a pang when I saw Natsu laying like that on Erza. Is she into him? I thought she liked Jellal. I had to ask her on the mission. It was a week long mission. I hope Natsu will be fine, I mean he is slowly recovering. I still don't know what's wrong with him though. I don't understand why he is avoiding me. Did I do something wrong after all. I had to ask him about it. Or should that make it worse I mean, I shouldn't be asking anything. I wonder if he is able to handle his magic. I mean when gramps explained the mission Natsu seemed to zone out. That is actually not something new. He never hears the full detail of the mission we take. But this time his flames are essential to the success of the mission. I have the idea he didn't heard what purpose he had at all. Well we will see. I was zoning out now, I saw that only Lucy and I were awake. Juvia was sleeping at my lap.

"Lucy." She turned to me. "Yeah Gray." "Have you figured it out? About Natsu?" She looked disappointed to her lap. "Actually I haven't I am at a dead end." "Me too. So only Erza knows about it. Do you think he will be able to handle the mission?" "I believe in him Gray, but I'm worried and afraid." "I still wonder how Erza figured it out so soon." "Don't underestimate Erza, Gray." "What do you mean?" "She know you and Natsu since childhood, she will notice if something is wrong. Maybe she did notice it already at the beginning." "But I know Natsu as long as her, why can't I figure it out." "I don't know Gray, maybe you're dense. Hahah. Just joking Gray." "Funny. Still I wonder how she knew." "I guess girls instinct Gray." "Why haven't you figured it out then?" "I don't know, I'm guessing. But I'm at a dead end. Gray we should sleep as well, the train ride is very long." "Yeah I guess you're right." After that we both fell asleep.

Almost there I woke up at an unknown sound. I woke up, opened my eyes and saw that Natsu woke up and was hurling. He looked awful. "Oi, flame brain, should I knock you out again?" He looked at me, green face. Hurling. He pleaded with his face, but said after a while. "No thank you, I heard it is a little before we arrive at our destiny. I try to withstand it for a while." He tried to smile. After that he hurled again. I stood up walked to him and draw circles on his back. He relaxed a bit. "W- what .. what are y-you doing?" his face went red. I didn't know if he was getting ill again or that he was blushing. I guess it was the first option. "I'm trying to calm you down silly." He turned his face away from me. "Should I stop?" "No please don't." He said very quiet. I was shocked. Natsu was letting me in, or was I mistaking. I don't know but at that time I didn't care. He was so relaxed that after some time he fell asleep. But how was I going out of this situation. He was asleep on my lap. I didn't want to wake him up but what will the others think if they see us like this. Juvia probably will freak out. So I did something I regret later. I pushed Natsu very hard the other way and woke him up obviously. He looked furious. "What the hell Gray?" Thanks to me he hit his head against the wall of the train. "I.. I ..." I couldn't think of an excuse. "If you didn't want to comfort me, then you shouldn't have done that in the first place." He was right. Shit I was stupid. He sat in his seat again, looked green but withstood it. He looked out of the window, on the complete other way I was seated. I screwed up big time. Eventually we reached our destiny and everyone woke up. 

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