Chapter 23 Telling the guild

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Natsu POV

We were walking towards the guild. I was still thinking about the situation. I hate this. "Should we even tell them Gray?" I asked with caution. "What do you mean Natsu? We should tell them." "Yea I know that. It's more I don't know how they will respond." What am I saying. I'm just scared to hear their respond.

"That's nonsense Natsu and you know that. We should tell them and be honest about it." He told me. "Yea I know, I'm just sacred." After that I kind of zoned out. I was scared of their reaction. What if they force their opinion on me. What if Gray agrees. They won't right. Maybe Gray already made his choice. I don't know anymore. Maybe I don't want to hear it after all.

"Oi Natsu?! Are you even listening?" Gray asked clearly mad. I rubbed my neck. "No, sorry kind of got lost in thoughts." He sighed. "Whatever happens or choice we make, they will approve any of that. You know that right." "Right." I say not sounding convinced.

We got towards the guild. I was still feeling nervous though. I sighed. Gray looked confused towards me but let it slide. He opened the guild doors. I heard all our friends yell something like "He Natsu, He gray." All just greetings.

"Where were you guys all morning?" Erza asked us. "Well we went to Porlyusica." Gray said. I sighed. "What is something wrong with you Natsu? Or the baby?"Erza and some other guild members yelled. They all came towards me with questions like 'are you okay?'.

"I'm fine. Just let us explain." I said. We had the whole attention of the guild now. I looked at Gray. He nodded as approval to tell further. "Well we went to Porlyusica, because... " I started crying. Gray put his arms around my shoulder.

"It's dangerous for Natsu to be pregnant. Not only for Natsu but for the baby as well." Gray told holding strong. Although I could see some tears at the brink of falling. The guild went silent. "What do you mean Gray?" Lucy asked, almost started crying as well. "It's a possibility I or the baby die, during the pregnancy or giving birth." I yelled still crying.

The whole guild gasped. The dragonslayers looked at each other with worried looks. I fell to the ground. Why do I have to choose. Did they knew already? What can I do? How can I save myself and the baby? What choice do I have? Would the baby blame me for killing it. I mean why should I kill my own child.. my. No our child. This isn't fair. The guild went silent, but I was too emotional to respond to anything at the moment.

Gray POV

After Natsu screamed the news to the guild. The guild gasped and Natsu fell crying and heartbroken towards the floor. I took him in my arms, crying as well. He was heartbroken. What choice do we have. Why do we even have to choose.

I looked to the guild and saw many crying faces. So, now what. Natsu seemed to slowly calm down a little bit. The master came walking towards us. "What do you both plan to do next Gray, Natsu?" He asked calm but I saw he had tear marks as well.

"We have to make a choice. Getting the baby with risks or get rid of it." I said gulping. I didn't like the sound of getting rid of the baby. It was hard. "What do you want from us?" he asked. I was shocked, I looked at Natsu but it seemed he wasn't listening at all. What's going on with him. I was still holding him in my arms.

While master said that the guild was filled with gasps and voices like. "What did he mean by that?" "Did he really say that?" Then Erza screamed, "Shut the hell up, let master explain." We all sweat dropped. "Thank you Erza." Erza nodded.

"What I meant Gray and Natsu, is what do you expect from us? Do you want our opinion or just want to discuss this so you both can make the choice?" I thought, what do I want.

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