Chapter 13 The fever

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Gray POV

I was glad Natsu woke up after such a long time. I was glad he was speaking also. But I was shocked he was so stern towards me, I couldn't believe he didn't want me near before I settle things. This makes it hard on me. But I deserved it I guess.. I mean I knew I had to deal with her if I choose for Natsu. She deserves it as well. After Natsu left with Lucy, the guild went slowly rowdy again. I have never seen Gramps and Erza so angry at a random member and just for asking a question. Suddenly Gramps speaks up "Everyone listen up. Natsu can't deal with loud noise at the moment. He will slowly coming everyday by the guild, we have to give him time to heal. So no one makes loud noises when he is in. No one is allowed to ask him why or overwhelm him with other questions. Understood?" "Master, can we even approach him?" "That depends if Natsu is ready for that. He probably won't be ready in the beginning. Even if he is ready only do it in a quiet manner." "Why can't we ask him things?" "Yea master why so mysterious?" I sweat dropped at the random people who asked these things. Gramps grew angry again. "I SAID NO ASKING ALLOWED." The people who asked shrunk, they knew now not to mess with gramps.

I gulped I had to face Juvia I probably should be going than. I went to the bar and towards Mira. "Hi Mira." Mira faced me with her usual smile. "Hi Gray, what can I do for you?" "Do you know where Juvia is I haven't seen her for a week." "Oh about that, she went on a long mission, so I don't know when she will come back. I guess another week probably. I'm sorry Gray. Was it important?" "Yea quite important but I have to deal with it." I walked away leaving a confused Mira behind. I left the guild. I wanted to go towards Natsu his house but halfway I thought. If I explain about it, he will get mad because I went towards him without settling things. Aargh why is he so stern on me. I love him so what does it matter. Should I continue. Or not. I was doubting what the best choice would be. Then I heard a voice behind me. "Hi Gray." I turned around to see who it was, it was Erza. "Hi Erza." "What are you doing here Gray? And why are you standing still on this road?" Erza asked. 

"I-I wanted to go to Natsu, but Juvia is out of town, so I guess I can't." "No indeed you can't." Erza said stern. "Why though? I mean I want to explain that she will be out of town for at least a week." Erza sighed. "Gray, do you think this is easy on Natsu?" "What do you mean?" I asked. Erza facepalmed. "Serious Gray?" "What?" I asked getting a little mad. "Natsu made this decision because he knows you're official still dating Juvia. Do you think it is fair towards Juvia if she came back and hears from someone else that your dating Natsu instead of her. She will feel heartbroken and betrayed." I looked towards the floor. "Do you think Natsu will be okay with that? He will feel guilty if you do it that way. He probably already feels guilty for steeling her boyfriend. So him making a decision not to see you is quite brave." "I guess so, but isn't it going too far. I mean I just want to explain the situation." "No Gray, he just sat boundaries for you. He wants the next time he sees you he can proudly say you're his." I sighed. "Okay I understand. Can you relay a message from me than?" "Sure can do." "Juvia is on a long mission, she will be probably away for another week. When she comes back I will immediately encounter her and tell her the news. So he has to wait a little longer." "I will give him this message. Good luck with all of this Gray." She turned around and walked further towards Natsu's house. I sighed again and left the road and walked towards my apartment. 

Natsu POV
When Lucy walked with me home and we arrived finally we both fell on the coach exhausted. "Thank you Lucy." I said between breaths, I was out of breath. I felt pathetic. "It's okay Natsu, I'm glad I could do something for you. Also I'm glad we made up." "Yea." I was tired, my legs throbbed. Then my stomach made a growling sound. My face went red. Lucy laughed. "I guess you're hungry." "Yea I guess, I haven't eaten for a week." Lucy stood up from the coach. "I will make you something. I'm borrowing your kitchen." "Thanks Luce, I don't know if there is something in the fridge." "Nashuu?" I looked above me. Happy was still sitting on the top of my head. "Yea buddy?" "Are you okay?" "Yea kind of, tired. I'm not used to walking so far." I laughed a little. "Come to think of it, why weren't you on the mission for finding me Happy?" He was startled at that question. "Actually.. I wanted to go. But." He started wailing again. "It's okay Happy I don't blame you." He hugged me.. "I'm so sorry Natsu, I should of have come." "Happy it's okay." He was still crying rivers. "I didn't went because Lucy was so lonely. I didn't want to leave her. She was crying a lot." I pet him on his head. "Your sweet Happy. It's fine. Now I just know why." Lucy came back with some food on a plate for me. "Hope you like it." She said with a smile. I started eating, I had more hunger than I thought, because it was like the food disappeared. Lucy had to laugh at me. Then I heard knocking on my door.

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