Chapter 26 the aftermath also the ending

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Gray POV
After we finished the mission we got directly on the train. I needed to see Natsu as soon as possible. The mood in the train was heavy. Every one of them felt horrible. I almost lost both of my loved ones. We lost the baby. That was hard on its own. I hated that, the baby didn't even got a change to be born. What even felt worse was because of some punks.

"I'm killing those punks." I said under my breath. Although the team heard. "We will make it our personal mission to get revenge on them Gray." Erza said determined. The rest of the train ride was silent, although Gajeel was sometimes puking his gut out.

When we arrived at the guild I immediately got towards the infirmary. Wendy came towards me, she was crying. "I'm sorry Gray-san, I couldn't save your and Natsu-san's baby. I-." I patted her head. I knew that if she wasn't with him he would of have died. "You did your best Wendy-chan please don't blame yourself." She nodded still crying.

She walked with me inside the infirmary. There he lied, he looked pale. Bruises on his face and the rest of his body. I was furious. But I had to calm myself. Most important is that Natsu is save. I walked closer to him and hold his hand. He was still sleeping. Happy was sleeping on him as well, tear marks clearly visible.

"He still doesn't know Gray-san. He hasn't woke up since yesterday." Wendy told me. I sat beside Natsu still holding his hand. Tears spilling but I didn't care about that. "Wendy-chan what happened?" She started crying again. "It is all my fault." She said.

Laxus walked inside and sat beside me. "Wendy don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault." Laxus said. "Please tell me what happened, Wendy or Laxus." They both looked towards each other. "Well Natsu-san asked me to take my stuff so I could spend the night with him. He said that he would leave early. I tried to hold him back saying he shouldn't leave alone. But he responded that he wasn't alone, he was with Happy." Said Wendy still crying.

"After a while Happy came flying in the guild all panicked and saying Natsu was in danger. So I and Wendy who just arrived back in the guild run towards the place Happy pointed. Natsu was assaulted by some punks. He ran but clearly wasn't fast enough. To protect himself and the baby he used a dragon roar." Laxus explained. My eyes went big. He had to use magic to protect himself, shit this is bad.

"We arrived too late, he already used his magic. Burned the punks though and run away. When we found him he was lying on the floor covered in bruises and blood." Laxus told me.

"Then we brought him as soon as we could to the guild. Porlusica and I healed him. But he was so low on magic. Laxus-san had to help with that, sharing his magic with Natsu-san. He was conscious for a short period and was happy that the baby was still okay then. After that his heart stopped, we had to do CPR on him to get him back. Laxus-san even had to be a defibrillator with his magic to get him back. When we finally got him back, he lost massive blood from behind. We had to get the baby as soon as possible out of him. But the baby was already dead when we got her out of Natsu-san. We tried to do CPR on her, but it didn't work. I'm sorry Gray-san." Wendy said crying.

I was crying at the moment Wendy and Laxus told me all this. I realized that we had a baby girl. After a while Natsu slowly started waking up. "G-gray?" he asked his voice sounded rough. "Yea honey I'm here for you." He blinked started to know where he is. "W-where am I? What happened? Why are you crying Gray?" he asked.

"You almost died Natsu." I told him. "WHAT?!" he yelled. Feeling pain immediately. "Calm down honey." I told him.

"Natsu-san you have to take it easy." Wendy told him. "But the baby is fine, right?" he asked. We all looked sad at him. "No honey we lost the baby." I told him crying. "WHAT?! No!!" he sat up ignoring his pain. He was crying. "No please tell me it's a joke. Porlusica told he during the.. I don't know she told me the baby was fine." Natsu dind't want to listen.

"At that time the baby was fine Natsu-san. But after that you almost died. We saved you but you lost to much blood from down there. We got the baby out but it was dead. We tried to save her but she didn't make it." Wendy told Natsu still crying.

"I'm so sorry Natsu-san that I couldn't save her for you. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I should of have gone with you." Natsu looked still confused and stunned, then he looked towards me.

"We had a baby girl. Gray did you hear that?" His emotions were overwhelming him. I hugged him. "Yea we had a baby girl." "I'm so stupid Gray, I couldn't protect our child. Our baby girl." "It wasn't your fault Natsu." I tried to reassure him.

"Yea it was." He told me getting more angry at the moment. "I was so stupid to go alone with Happy. I should of have known that those punks were waiting for this moment." He said angrily. Gripping the sheets hard. Happy was looking at Natsu, woken up a long time ago. "I'm sorry Natsuu I should of have come back sooner." Happy said wailing.

"No buddy, if you weren't there I probably wouldn't have survived either." He said to reassure Happy, while patting him.

"No one is to blame. We had bad luck this time. Those punks will definitely get some beating from us. But for now we grieve over our lose." I said while looking sad. "Yea you're right. Although I hate that I couldn't protect her." Natsu said. We hugged.

After that Natsu fell asleep again. I thanked Laxus and Wendy for saving Natsu's life. "You're welcome Gray, of course we would." "Laxus what happened to those punks?" "Already taken care of. Master personally had them arrested. He was beyond rage when we captured them." He told me. "Thank you." I still sat next to Natsu and fell asleep on his bed.

The next day Natsu and I woke up. He was still shaken from the thought he lost our baby girl. But we had to accept that fate. We had a beautiful funeral for her. It felt so wrong to lose someone so young. The whole guild was heartbroken.

After the funeral we slowly got over our grieve. We were recovering. But time heals our hearts slowly. We will someday try again, and hopefully make better decisions. Hopefully when we are more ready. We have a life ahead of us. We have regrets of decision we took. But we can't change that. So we hope to learn from that. I'm glad to be together with Natsu after all the drama we had. Someday we will live as a happy family, but for now we are a family together with Happy and our guild. We can plan our wedding next. But for now I can say yea we both do have regrets. But we will live with that and make our lives worthwhile and live as happily as we can. So just like a fairy tale. We will live happily ever after. 

Thank you all for reading my story! 

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