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Hey guys! Make sure you go read the first book Pentatonix: Murder House before this one!

Present day

Theresa and Leo are a newly married couple that are on their honeymoon. For their honeymoon, they've decided to go to the twelve more haunted places in America.

They walk through the woods to find the abandoned asylum. On the way the take pictures in front of and inside the build.

"Legend has it, that if you were committed to Briarcliff you never got out!" Theresa says.

"This place is also home to the serial killer-"

"BLOODY FACE!" Leo says cutting her off.

They continue to laugh and explore the old building. They get to the death chamber and start to explore in, when they hear a loud noise coming from down the hallway.

Theresa runs out first to go see what is was and is followed by Leo who isn't that far behind.

"The noise came from in there!" Theresa says turning to face Leo.

Leo pulls out his phone to look up which part of the hospital this was back in its day.

"Ahh. This was bloody face's room!" He says with a creepy voice.

"Stick your arm in there and check it out." Theresa says pointing to the little slot on the door kind of scared.

Leo turns on the flashlight on his phone and sticks his arm in there to see if he can see anything.

"AHHH!" He says trying to scare Theresa.

"Don't do that!" She shouts.

Leo laughs it off and sticks his hand back in the slot.

This time something actually attacked his arm.

"Help me!" He says to Theresa as she tries to pull his other arm.

Whatever was in the room chopped off his arm and sent Leo and Theresa falling to the ground as they try to run for their lives.


Scott Hoying, a gas station attendant is closing up the station for the night and doing inventory.

He's walking into the office singing and dancing around until he sits down to count the money he's made today and put in the safe.

He hears the bell ring from the front of the store and suspects there's someone trying to come in after hours.

"The sign says closed!" He shouts from the office to the front of the store.

He gets up and walks to the front of the store to see who can possibly be there that late at night.

As he walks out to find the person he heard, the lights flicker until they go completely off for some strange reason.

He quickly runs back to his desk to get the gun out of the top drawer, when one of his friends pop up from behind the desk scaring him.

"Jesus Christ! Really!? Are you trying to get killed!? Do you know what I keep in that drawer!" He says scared and angrily.

His friends just laugh at him and continue to drink there beers.

Pentatonix: AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now