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"We've taken Father to the infirmary. I'll be back. You stay here, sister and pray. Speak only to God." Kevin says before walking down to the infirmary.

Esther looks into the room at the boy before bowing her head to pray.

"It burns! Help mommy it burns! Help!" Jed yells from the room with blood coming from his eyes.

Esther walks in quickly and wipes away the blood from Jed's face.

"Help I can't see!" He says tossing himself.

"Somebody hel- it drives you crazy doesn't it?" The demon interrupts.

Esther freezes.

"Smartest person is the room with no wwwwiiiiillllll power because of that thing you have." The demon says.

Esther is frighten and tries to run out of the room, but the demon uses its powers to close and lock the door on her.

"It's fun being a woman ain't it, Sister!" The demon spats at Esther.

As the demon keeps talking he finally hits a sensitive nerve to Esther.

Her past.

Esther has a flashback to the past.

When she was known as the Red Harlet Singer.

She use to sing at bars for money and wore red during each performance and took one one guy a night from the bar with her.

She was rejected by may men as well, which lead to her becoming an alcoholic.

Esther tries to say a prayer to herself to get the demon out of her head, but it keeps interrupting her.

"Tell me about the little girl in blue, Esther. The little girl you killed that one night in a hit and run." The demon says catching Esther attention once again.

Esther recalls the night she was driving home drunk from the bar and was swerving all long the country road.

She was lost and had no sense of direction.

She leaned forward, taking her eyes off the road, to die out her cigarette in the ash tray, when she swerved into a little girl.

As soon as she realized what happened, Esther looked in the rear view mirror and saw the little girl laying on the ground gasping for air.

Esther became wide eyed as she thought the girl was dead and fled the scene.

"You are a murderer, Esther." The demon says taking Esther out of her memory.

The demon keeps calling Esther a murderer over and over again until Esther finally snaps.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She keeps saying as she slap the boy across the face.

Soon Kevin and Avi run back into the room and remove Esther from the room as Avi tries to lay the boy back down to the bed.

"Sister, you need to go. Be with the parents go!" Kevin says before walking back into the room with the boy closing the door behind him.

Kevin starts to say a prayer as the boy continues to look at Esther and laughs at her.

The lights start to flicker in the entire building and the grieving parents starts to get even more worried about their son.

As Kevin keeps splashing holy water and the boy, Avi gets a needle ready to sedate the boy with the calm him down.

"Father, stop! It's time to sedate him!" Avi yells as he puts the needle in the boys arm.

"Hurry up! Do it now!" Kevin yells back.

As Avi injects the needle in the boy, the demon in him blows a fuse out of the entire building causing a light bulb in the room to break open.


Mitch wakes up as he senses something weird is going on.

He looked out the caged window on his door from his bed and sees there's a red light on in the hallway.

Mitch gets out of bed and walks over to his door.

The door starts to shake for a few second and then it flies open.

As do all the doors in the hallway.

All the patients start to walk out of their rooms and wander around.

Kirstie looks to Mitch, who is right across the hall from her.

"What's happening?" Kirstie asks worried.

"I don't know. Let's get out of here. This is our chance." Mitch says to Kirstie.

Mitch grabs Kirstie's arm and starts to run down the hallway to the secret door.

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