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Mitch is sitting in a steam bath that one of the nurses put him him next to Kirstie.

"This hurts my burns." Mitch says.

"The harder you fight the hotter it feels." Kirstie says calmly sitting in the tub next to Mitch.

Kirstie then proceeds to cut a hole into the fabric to let some hot air out and set her hand free.

"What are you doing over?" Mitch asks.

"Made myself a little tool with some stuff from the library." Kirstie says showing him the sharp object.

Kirstie manages to set both arms free and up tie the cloth over the tub and get out.

She then walks over to Mitch's tub and unties the cloth on his tub so he can be free too.

Mitch looks at her in shock that she just did that for him.

Kirstie walks over to the caged window and looks out of it.

"I like the view from this window." She says.

"All the bare trees. Beautiful." She continues.

"Do you ever dream of escaping?" Mitch says looking at her from the tub.

Kirstie smiles and says, "all you new people. There is no way out."

"What if I said I know a way?" Mitch asks.

"You'd be full of shit." Kirstie says looking back at him.

Mitch pauses for a moment and says, "there's a tunnel. It's real."

"I came in through it." Mitch says as he gets his hospital robe on.

"Wow. They really messed with your mind. What meds are you on?" Kirstie says.

"I need someone to help me pull off an escape....but no body else can know." Mitch says.

"We'd have to take Scott." Kirstie says.

"Absolutely not! He's a viscous murderer. He can make you believe anything." Mitch says.

"There have been plenty of killers here. Scott's not one of them." Kirstie says looking into Mitch's eyes.

"He can't come. That's my line understand?" Mitch asks breaking the silence that stood between the two.

It becomes silent once again before Kirstie breaths and says.

"You have problems trusting people don't you?" Kirstie asks.

"You would too if the person you love most in the world betrayed you." Mitch says with tears forming in his eyes.

"....threw you away forever." Mitch continues through tears.

Kirstie looks away and back at Mitch and says, "I know what that's like."

She then turns back around and continues to look out of the caged window.


Dr.Koop is in the kitchen area setting a table for himself to eat dinner when Rachel walks in and starts talking to him.

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