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Two mail nurse walk Scott into the common room where he sees someone in the institution he hasn't seen there before.

Scott trips and falls over. Then nurses fall with him.

"Gentleman. I can handle it from here thank you." The man says walking over to him.

"Mr.Hoying. Dr. Avi Kaplan." Avi says reaching his hand out to him to greet Scott.

Scott looks at him for a few seconds and then shakes his hand the best he can since he has shackles on his hands and feet.

"Is it alright if I call you Scott?" Avi asks.

"Sure." Scott says.

"Seems to me that it's unreasonable that man should be denied his right to smoke." Avi says handing his a cigarette.

"Do you know why I'm here, Scott?" Avi asks.

"You're that shrink the court sent to see if I'm crazy. You say that I am, they leave me here to rot. You say that I'm not, they put me on trail and fry me." Scott says.

"Trouble is, I'm not crazy. And I didn't kill those ladies." Scott continues

"What about your wife?" Avi asks.

"Stephanie's not dead. That body didn't have a head." Scott says.

"A lot of the bodies didn't have heads, kid. Initially you told police that you were-"

"I know what I said! But it wasn't Stephanie. See I know that now because I'm starting to remember. And I saw her. After they took her, she was alive." Scott says cutting Avi off.

"They?" Avi questions.

"The men from outer space?" Avi asks.

Scott sits there and looks at Avi for a moment before he speaks up again.

"They have her." Scott says.

**Avi talking to himself in his office.**

"After talking with Mr. Hoying, my diagnosis is acute clinical insane." He says.


Sister Kate is carrying two large buckets outside again to feed Dr.Koop's experiment that lives in the woods.

Then Dr.Koop pops out from behind one of the tree.

"Oh! Dr.Koop you're like a shadow." Sister Kate says startled.

"Tell me, how is my favorite little helper today?" Dr.Koop asks.

"They had a big appetite last night. Did you hear them?" Kate asks.

"No." Dr.Koop says.

"I came out here to find the basket torn to pieces. Please, doctor. You must tell me, what are these creatures?" Kate says worried.

"All in good time. You haven't said anything to Sister Esther have you?" Dr. Koop asks.

"No of course not. It's our secret." Kate says shaking her head.

"Good. A small token of my gratitude." Dr.Koop says handing over a small bucket to Kate.

Kate opens it up and says, "Aw. A candy apple."

"Look delicious, but I can't." Kate says.

"Go ahead. Have a bit." Dr.Koop says to Kate holding the candy apple up to her face.

Kate looks at him and back at the apple for a moment before shaking her head nervously.

"Come on, sister. Life is too short for regrets. Take a taste." He says.

"No I really shouldn't. Sister Esther says sweets lead to sin." Kate says.

"I said take a taste." Dr.Koop says forcefully this time.

This time Kate obeys him and take a big bite of the apple.

Both Kate and Dr.Koop walk back to the building together.

Rachel watches them as the walk side by side into the building.

Pentatonix: AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now