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Jed starts to foam from the mouth after Avi sedates him with whatever was in the syringe.

The demon then let's out a loud roar as Avi tries to check for a pulse and his blood pressure.

"Sister Esther, all the doors are open in the wards!" Kate yells running down the hall to Esther who was still standing outside the door watching the exorcism.

"He's in cardiac arrest." Avi says after Jed lies still on the bed barely breathing.

Esther looks through the window worried they may lose the fight with the demon.


"I think the door is right through there!" Mitch says pointing down the hallway.

"Kirstie!" Scott says stopping Mitch and Kirstie from running out the door.

"C'mon! Mitch knows a way out." Kirstie says trying to continue running with Mitch.

"No! Get away from us!" Mitch says trying to leave Scott in the hallway.

"I read what you wrote about me. I'm not a killer or a psychopath!" Scott spats at Mitch.

"You're a lair! Get away from us!" Mitch fires back.

"Stop! I'm not leaving without him." Kirstie says.

"I'm not setting him free so he can kill again." Mitch says.

"You're wrong. We'll find the way out ourselves." Kirstie says grabbing Scott's arm and running for the door.

Mitch watches them run towards the door without him.

Just as they come close to the door, Mitch starts to yell for help.

"Help! He's escaping!" He says about Scott who he thinking is the woman killer.

"The killer is escaping! Help me!" Mitch continues to yell.

The guards run in and tackle Scott to the ground who was running for Mitch trying to quiet him down.

Kirstie tries to fight the male nurse and guards to let her and Scott go and tell them Scott isn't the killer of all those women.

The guards start to beat Scott senseless as they make Kirstie watch.

Mitch watches them beat Scott as well and starts to cry at the site of it and regrets it immediately.

Kirstie gives Mitch a stare like she wanted to kill him right then and there for what he did.

Kirstie struggles to get out of the nurses grip so she can go attack Mitch.

The guards beats Scott unconscious and leave him on the floor.

Mitch just continues to stand there and cry.


Avi struggles to revive Alex who lays still on the bed as Kevin continues to say a prayer.

Esther and Kate watch silently worrying about him.

Alex finally comes through and sits up for a few seconds looking at Kate and then lays back down on the bed.

Avi continues to try and get a pulse.

He checks his pulse one last time on his neck and wrist.

"He's dead." Avi says.

Esther looks at him in shock as well as Kevin with the look of defeat.

Just then, the bed starts to shake and the cross falls off the wall to the ground and it catches everyone's attention.

The light comes on in the hallway and Kate's head looks up as she falls backwards to the ground.

"Sister?" Esther whispers as Avi rushes to Kate's side.

Kevin watches from the boys bedside kneeling saying a prayer.


Darien knock on the bathroom door to see if the woman is okay.

"Almost ready." The woman says.

"Is the trash makeup almost gone?" Darien asks.

"Yes. As clean as a virgin." The woman says who is now wear a nuns outfit.

She then grabs a cross and opens a box in front of her that she curious about.

She opens it to find a small book of half naked woman and a bunch of pictures of all those half naked woman tied up in ropes.

She begins to freak out a little bit as Dr.Koop becomes concerns why she's taking so long.

"What is taking you so long?" Darien asks with anger in his voice.

"Holy shit!" The woman whispers to herself.

Dr.Koop then begins to pound on the door for the woman.

She rushes to put all the disturbing pictures back into the small box along with the little book.

Dr.Koop then walks in and the woman drops the box to the ground with everything inside of it falling out.

"I told you not to touch anything." He says with anger in his eyes walking towards the terrified woman.

"You don't have to pay me! I'll just go get the mon-" she tries to says before Dr.Koop stops her from leaving.

"You're not going anywhere, Sister." He spats grabbing her by her arm.

"Now, pick those up and go lie down on the bed." He commands.

The woman obeys and picks up the pictures from the floor.

After, she tries to run out of the room, but Darien stops her from leaving.

"I told you....go lie on the bed." He says forcefully.

The woman begins to cry as she walks towards the bed.

As Dr.Koop comes close to her on the bed, she bites him and kicks him off of her and runs out the door screaming.


Sister Esther walks down the stairs to Alex's parent to deliver the news of his passing.

The grieving parents stand as she walks into the room.

She didn't have to say a word, the parents just knew what had happened.

The grieving mother drops to the floor in the fathers arms as she cries her eyes out.

So I decided to change Alex Kirk play the boy who's possessed by the demon. So I'll have to go back and rewrite some stuff later😬

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