Tricks and Treats

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Theresa is met in the death shoot by Bloody Face who is hold a cork screw in one hand with the mask on made up of all his victims for the past.

Theresa starts to run back down the long tunnel to get back to Leo before Bloody Face does.

He trails behind her very close to letting her out of his site.

She trips and falls back quickly gets back up and starts running towards the door she found.

She soon realizes that she can't open the door and Bloody Face is almost to her.

She finally gets the door open and runs down the hall back go Leo to try and save him and go to a safe place where Bloody Face can't find them.

"Leo! Leo come get up!" She says frantically trying to shake him awake.

She sees Bloody Face at the end of the hallway looking at her and Leo.

She quickly tries to drag Leo down into another hallways as Bloody Face is quickly making his way towards them.

Theresa gets Leo and herself half way into a room before Bloody Face pulls Leo by his legs out of Theresa's grip towards him.

Theresa backs into the room and closes the door so Bloody Face can't get to her.

She opens the small window to watch what Bloody Face is doing and to make sure he doesn't hurt Leo.

Bloody Face kneels down on top of Leo and Leo says, "Help me." Before Bloody Face starts stabbing him multiple times as Theresa cries as she watches her Husband getting killed.

When Bloody Face sees she's watching him, he gets up and walks over to the door and starts to pound on it to get her to come out.


"Don't answer it. There's a killer on the loose." Austins friend says while smoking a cigarette as someone is pounding on the front door.

"They caught that guy. Throw him in the nut house." His other friend says taking a sip of his drink.

"At Briarcliff. He's in there with Mitch." Austin says as tears fall from his eyes.

"I have to cancel. I have to cancel that order tomorrow." Austin says.

"You signed a document. Not that anyone would blame you." His friend says pouring himself another drink.

Austin sits there with his two friends and cries softly as someone keeps knocking on his door.

"Louis don't! You don't know who's out there." Austins other friend says.

Louis just ignores him and goes to answer the door.

Louis opens the door to find little trick or treaters looking for candy.

"Trick or treat!" They say holding their bags out.

"Check out the mass murderers, Bob." Louis says.

"Is today Halloween?" Austin asks.

"No tomorrow. These little monsters are just getting a jump on the competition." Louis says.

"I don't have any candy." Austin says starting to cry again.

"That's okay, Mr. Macedo. We'll come back tomorrow." One of the little kids say.

Louis closes the door and walks back over to his spot where he was sitting next to Austin.

"Nothing makes sense without him here. I just hate myself." Austin says in between sobs.

"Hey. You want me to stay here tonight?" Louis asks.

Austin pauses for a moment and looks back to Louis.

"No, no I'll be okay." Austin says and gets up to walk away.

"I just need a hot shower and a good nights sleep." He says pacing.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna get him out of that place." Austin says.

"You can say that you made a mistake. You got scared and hit the panic button." Bob says.

"I have to get him out."


After his friends leave, Austin goes into the bathroom, starts the shower and lights a joint to calm himself down from everything going on.

After his shower, Austin walks out in his robe and starts to close all the windows in the house and shuts off all the lights.

He heads back to his bedroom and as soon as he gets in there, he's met by Bloody Face.

"Please don't! I'm a school teacher! The children. They won't understand." He cries, but Bloody Face starts to stab her with a knife.

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